Chapter 13

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(The Streets of Vale)

After completing a mission for Ozpin and taking a break from Oobleck's project, Y/N decided to go to the nearest convenience store to get some stuff for himself and his friends.

Y/N: ("Okay. I'm starting to notice how easy these 'assignments' Ozpin have been giving me. Either that or I'm getting stronger and just adapting well to it... oh well, it's not like I can complain. I come off unscathed, no one gets 'too' hurt, and Glynda lets me lay my head on her lap. So that's good.")

Meanwhile, Roman Torchwick is walking through the alleys and streets of Vale, wearing a large green coat as he covers his some of his face and his bowler hat with a hood. The crime boss is heading to a convenience store, mentally sighing to himself.

Roman: ("Ah, so glad to be out of the base. Nothing but doom and gloom in there, especially with that Darius guy. Good thing most of the public think I'm dead, but I'll have to put on a deeper voice, just in case. Now, I know what I'm getting but, what does Neo want again? Hmm...")

As the crime boss ponder to himself over what to get, he heads inside the convenience store as he confronts the cashier. 

Cashier #5: "Hello, sir. What brings you here?"

Putting on a deeper voice, Roman replies back.

Roman: "Just browsing."

The disguised Roman look around the store, secretly taking some items without the cashier knowing. After looking around, Roman bring a small box of Neapolitan with a few cones to the cashier.

Cashier #5: "Will that be all?"

Roman look around a bit to see a small case of cigars, he smiles upon seeing it.

Roman: "I'll also have-"

As he grabs the item, his fingers slip, causing him to drop it. Not before another hand manage to grab it before falls to the ground. Roman quickly turn to see Y/N, smiling and now holding the cigars in his hand. 

Y/N: "You almost drop this, sir."

Upon seeing Y/N, Roman's eyes widen, recognizing him from Darius and Neo's description, during the dust robbery that Ruby and Glynda try to stop him, and of course, the incident at the docks.

Roman: ("Shit! It's him. Calm down, just calm down, Roman. He doesn't know he's talking to you. Just... play it cool.")

Before he could respond, Roman clear his throat, trying to put on a deeper voice as he moves his hood to cover more of his face. He then grabs the pack of cigars from Y/N's hand.

Roman: "Thank you."

Y/N: "No problem."

With a bunch of snacks in his hands, Y/N then turn his attention to the cashier.

Y/N: "I would like to buy these snacks."

As he said this, he places them at the counter, which the cashier nods. 

Cashier #5: " Okay, please wait a moment."

As the cashier put all of Roman's stuff in a bag and soon does the same for Y/N's stuff. During this, the disguised Roman tries his best to come off as a normal civilian to Y/N. Y/N glances at him, then to the stuff he's buying before speaking. 

Y/N: "Oh, you like Neapolitan?"

Roman remain stiff upon hearing Y/N's question. He ponders to himself over how to respond before finally looking back at Y/N, still keeping up with the deep voice.

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