Chapter 26

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Back inside the underground city aka the White Fang hideout, Ruby and Y/N are fleeing through the underground streets, ducking and weaving as they outmaneuver and outrun a group of White Fang, rushing to track them down. During this time, they get a pretty good picture of the scale of the White Fang operation. As they land on top of an underground building, Ruby is taking a short break as Y/N spot something. 

Y/N: "Ruby, look."

Ruby: "What is it?" 

They look upon a huge train with at least 20 train cars attach to one another. In the corner of his eye, Y/N see Ruby, still breathing heavily. He quickly turns his attention to her.

Y/N: "Hey, you said you wouldn't push yourself."

Ruby: "I told you, it's fine. Just a little more and we'll find some sort of exit."

Y/N sighs before meeting her gaze.

Y/N: "Okay..."

Soon enough, they hold on to each other as Ruby uses her speed semblance to navigate through the hideout. Unfortunately, the repeated use of her semblance is starting to wear her down and before they knew it, they run right to where Roman has been staying. Waiting for them is Roman himself. 

Roman: "You kidding me? You two again."

Ruby and Y/N try to flee with Y/N supporting his tired team leader only for Roman to use his hook shot to grab her by the hood, yanking her away from Y/N and reel her in.

Y/N: "Ruby!"

The last thing Ruby see is Neo and her foot coming down on her face. Y/N quickly rush to her side, seeing that she's now unconscious. He looks up to Neo, who quickly realize it's Y/N that is one of the intruders.

Y/N: "Neo... you didn't have to do that."

Neo look at him with a conflicted expression before Roman steps in, aiming at his cane at him, which Y/N take notice of.

Roman: "I told you, kid. You either leave Vale or stay here. The next time we met, I won't hesitate to defeat you... you made your choice."

Y/N and the crime boss stare each other down before Y/N slowly raising his hands up, surrendering before replying back.

Y/N: "Fine... I surrender... just don't hurt Ruby..."

Roman: "Hm, no promises, kid."

The crime boss looks back at Neo.

Roman: "Neo. Do it."

Neo feels hesitant to knock him out before glances back to see someone approaching Y/N.

Darius: "I'll do it."

Y/N's eyes widen a bit upon seeing his cousin.

Y/N: "Dari-"

Only for Darius to karate chop him in the back of the head, knocking him out. Roman is taken aback by Darius's sudden appearance along with Neo, who steps back a bit, glaring at Darius. As for Darius, he just looms over his cousin.

Darius: "I guess you two are useful after all. Go take the girl. I'll take care of this one."

As he said this, he unsheathes his katana. Roman jumps in.

Roman: "Whoa, whoa. What do you think you're doing?"

Darius: "Disposing this one."

Roman: "Well, we need him and Red over here."

Darius: "Why?"

Roman: "Uh, for information. To interrogate why they are here in the first place?"

Darius just glares at him. Roman is a little unsettled by this but, continues anyway.

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