Chapter 6

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A monumental tower that looms over the sparse trees growing around the crossroads below as both Ruby and Weiss gaze upon on it. 

Ruby: "Wow! I forget how big the Transmit tower looks up close!"

Weiss: "You should see the one in Atlas!"

Ruby: "That was the first one, right?"

Weiss: "Correct."

Weiss and Ruby are seen walking down the path towards the building.

Weiss: "Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War."

Ruby: "So, why do you want to go to the CCT?"

Weiss: "The Schnee Dust Company actually invested in CCT's construction and has a permanent presence on one of its floors, which being Schnee themed."

Ruby: "Oh. I see."

Weiss: "Since I'm a Schnee, I would not only have digital files, but physical files to supplement our investigation. That's why we're heading inside." 

Ruby grabs her Scroll from a pocket out of her clothes, but the device is launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it lands at Penny's feet.

Ruby grabs her Scroll from a pocket out of her clothes, but the device is launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it lands at Penny's feet

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Penny: "Oh! You dropped this."

Penny picks up the scroll and hands it to the clumsy team leader. As for Ruby and Weiss, they're shocked to see Penny again.

Ruby: "Penny?!"

Penny: "Uhm..."

Ruby: "Where have you been? We haven't seen you since-"

Penny: "S-Sorry. I think you're confused."

As she said this, Penny suddenly hiccups.

Penny: "Uh... I've got to go."

She turns quickly and walks away from the two girls.

Weiss: "What was that about?"

Ruby: "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." 

She starts walking in Penny's direction as she shouts back to Weiss.

Ruby: "You go make your call! I'll meet up with you later!"

Weiss: "Ruby! Wait!"

Seeing the futility of stopping her teammate, she lowers her hand and sighs angrily.

Weiss: "Pair off with me and just leave me by myself... great."

Back with Ruby, she runs to Penny as she descends the steps until she gets in front of Penny.

Ruby: "Penny! Where have you been? It's been weeks!"

Penny: "There seems to be a... misunderstanding."

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