Chapter 15

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After gearing herself up and putting on her game face on, Pyrrha head to the arena. As she arrives, Nora confronts Miss Goodwitch about the match.

Nora: "Please Miss Goodwitch. Let me fight with Pyrrha."

Glynda: "I'm sorry, but Miss Nikos made her challenge very clear and someone as talented as her knows her limitations."

As she said this, Nora exhales and relent back to her seat, much to her barely hidden disappointment.  Glynda watch her go until she looks upon Y/N, sitting with his team. In response, Y/N wave happily to the blonde teacher.

Upon Cardin trying to get up, he sees the monitors to find that Pyrrha's aura has barely decrease, while the rest of his team's aura are in the red as his aura is the largest out of all of them. 

Cardin: "Damn... it!"

He starts charging at her, swinging his mace wildly at her, trying to land a hit. Sadly, Pyrrha dodges effortlessly before she flanks him and spin kick him to the floor, causing his aura goes in the red, leaving Pyrrha the only one standing.

Glynda: "And that's the match. Pyrrha Nikos win."

As Cardin's team slowly get up from their spot, Pyrrha goes to offer a hand to Cardin. Emotions running high and composure broken, the bully almost takes it only for him to shun it away as he slowly stands up on his own. Pyrrha stare after him and his teammates limp away out of the arena.

Pyrrha: "Remember our wager, Cardin!"

Cardin glances back at her, grunting to acknowledge it. Pyrrha adds on further.

Pyrrha: "You should definitely put your best foot forward when you're working with Velvet and Y/N, not just alongside them."

That gave the bully a moment of pause before he grunts again, walking to the locker rooms with his teammates. After that, Glynda gets her students' attention.

Glynda: "Okay, any new volunteers who want to spar... anyone?"

Immediately, Y/N tries to raise his hand only to see Mercury raises his hand first.

Mercury: "I'll do it."

Y/N: "Aww, man."

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight... her."

He points to Pyrrha, much to her and Glynda's surprise.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner... like Mr. L/N."

Y/N: "Yeah!"

Pyrrha: "No, it's fine! I'd be happy to oblige."

Glynda sighs before responding.

Glynda: "Very well."

Y/N: "Damn it."

Mercury struts into the arena, visibly sizing up Pyrrha. The match begins when he makes the first attack and is knocked down. Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocks him back with her shield. Meanwhile, Ruby and Y/N turn toward Emerald sitting behind them.

Ruby: "Hey, your friend's doing pretty good."

Y/N: "Especially those kicks of his."

Emerald: "Heh, yeah..."

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