Chapter 8

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Meanwhile, Y/N was jumping to rooftops to rooftops in what felt like miles, he reaches the large warehouse where Blake and Sun are located at. Sadly, he can't call Blake, or it'll reveal her and Sun's position in the White Fang meeting. With his aura and weapon, Y/N manage to climb up on top of roof of the warehouse. As he slowly approaches the ceiling window, Y/N spot a large crowd of recruits along with the White Fang.

Y/N: ("Okay, where's Blake and Sun.... Oh! There they are.")

On the stage, he spots the Lieutenant along with Roman as he motions Neo to reveal the Paladin prototype. 

Y/N: ("How the hell did they get their hands on that?")

He stares at Neo, now confirm that she works for Roman and of course, the Lieutenant is a part of this meeting. What he notices is the Lieutenant and Roman looking directly at Sun and Blake, until he overhears the Lieutenant shout.

White Fang Lieutenant: "BELLADONNA!!!"

Back with Blake and Sun, with their identities being exposed, they draw out their weapons. White Fang members begin to close in on them, while all the new recruits are confused and somewhat alarmed, not knowing what's going on. Soon enough, Blake thought of an idea before loading her pistol with electrical dust.

Blake: "Sun! Close your eyes!"

As instructed, Sun cover his eyes as well as Blake as she shoots the room's power breaker on the wall, making the warehouse's lights burn out in a bright white flash before going dark. The sharp lighting momentarily blind the rest of the Faunus in the room as Sun and Blake took time to adapt the settling darkness. Roman and Neo are especially disoriented due to being humans. 

Roman: "Ah! My eyes! Don't let them get away!"

White Fang Lieutenant: "Ugh, stop them!"

Blake: "Let's go."

Sun: "On it."

Back with Y/N, he felt a little disoriented from the bright white flash. 

Y/N: ("Ah, my eyes... hm?")

He swiftly turns around as he thought he hear some footsteps behind him. It's only when he turns around again to see a Grimm mask-wearing person striking him. Y/N block it with his Grimm Slayer only for Darius to grab him, tossing him to other side of the warehouse. Darius jumps forward, ready to impale him only Y/N to roll out of the way as Darius's katana stab the ceiling. 

Y/N: "Finally... you show up, cousin."

Darius viciously pulls out his katana out of the ceiling before pointing it at Y/N as Y/N get up to his feet.

Darius: "Don't you fucking call me that."

Y/N: "So you really are working with the White Fang. But why? Is it because of Adam? The Lieutenant? Do you know Roman Torchwick?"

Darius pauses for a moment before he somewhat answers back.

Darius: "I may be working with them, but that doesn't matter. What matter is taking your life and that mute girl, or anyone isn't here to help you." 

With Grimm Slayer at hand, Y/N gets in a fighting stance.

Y/N: "With all the running away you've been doing, I have to ask, are you really that busy or are you just late for something?

Darius: "Like what?"

Y/N: "Like meeting someone important?"

Gritting his teeth, Darius rushes forward, swinging across his chest plate, nearly touching and cutting it. Y/N parries them by knocking the hilt on his katana, causing him to bring it up in the air. Y/N follow this by kicking him in the gut, pushing him back to the edge of the warehouse. Darius quickly recovers as he sends a shockwave through his sword as Y/N, seeing this and now red-eyed, does the same thing, which pushes them back a bit. 

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