Character Info

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The characteristics of the reader will be depicted by a character from a beloved game I've enjoyed so much just for the time being, so bare with me on that, I'm a game freak. Right now in the Heian Era she will be depicted as this woman right here.

(Artwork belongs to airanoyume)

1000 years (Before Awakening-Heian Era)

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1000 years (Before Awakening-Heian Era)

1000 years (After Awakening-Modern Day)

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1000 years (After Awakening-Modern Day)

Name: (l/n) (f/n)


You lived around the Heian era 1000 years ago. In a small town, countryside east in Heian-kyō (which in modern day is now Kyoto).

You are a gentle kind girl that everyone in town knew and loved. You were the only one born with (e/c) that no one has ever seen before. And beautiful (l/h) hair. They praised you and marked you as the most beautiful girl in the village. That made you the best they say.

Your family was neither rich nor poor, but a middle-class family who would get by. For something like simple fish and rice put on the table to eat, you would be happy with just that.


One day your father went out hunting and grabbed a large animal for your family to eat. You suddenly cried when you saw the dead animal.

Your father had to explain why he had to kill it. It was just a part of the circle of life. Humans hunt animals to survive if they wanted to eat, just as much as other animals had to.

You just wipe the tears away and smiled as you prayed. Thanking the animal for letting it become food for your family.

Your mother and father were confused, but just laugh and hug you lovingly.

That's not the only thing strange that happened to you. They have caught you one time bringing a bird back to life when it was dead. Talking to it as it let you pet them.

Even having a bunch of rabbits, squirrels, and deers come around you as you were foraging for flowers.

Your parents found it to be quite strange. But they just thought you were too good for this world. Your kindness brought even wildlife to your side.

That is until they caught you talking to something that was neither a person nor an animal. You grabbed their hands to show them, but when you did it was gone. The only thing you told them was that it was a small harmless creature.

Your mother didn't think anything else other than it is your imagination. Your father however was a bit worried.

You wore decent yukatas that your mother would buy. But on good days when your father earned a lot of money from his work. Your mother would let you go to the shops and let you pick out just one kimono.

But only on special occasions will you wear it. Your mother wouldn't want you to dirty something so nice.

You had a normal life throughout your years being a child. That is until people in your village have been hearing a word about an evil curse spirit.

A curse spirit so vile that it would kill and terrorize a village just for fun. Even force people to be his servants just to be killed later, and rape the women. This puts everyone in fear and on guard if encountering the beast. Especially your father.

People such as jujutsu sorcerers would try and exorcise or seal the beast. But many have failed and were killed in vain.

Villagers made sure to lock up early so they don't ever encounter the cursed spirit. They don't even let their children play outside on the outskirts of the woods.

Your parents made sure that you were kept inside. They thought you would bring attention to that monster.

Fear never came to you when you heard the news about the evil curse spirit roaming through Japan.

It made you curious to see it.

You never knew what fear felt like. It was something you just haven't experienced before. You were just so full of hope and life that people thought there may have been something wrong with you.

Or maybe brave, but who knew?

But truly there was something more than that. And that will even have jujutsu sorcerers catch their attention. Something that will pretty much change your ordinary life forever.

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