Chapter 18

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You put your hands behind your back and lazily walk around taking in the environment.

"This all seems you. Are you happy?" You ask.
Sukuna scoffs.
"What kind of question is that? To be stuck in this brat's body is hardly any treat"

You goad at him.
"Aw, I'm sorry. Do you want a hug?"

Sukuna grunts and then jumps down from his tower of bones. He walks up to you and takes in your features.
"It seems you haven't changed a bit. Though your appearance has in such an interesting way" he smirks while checking you out.

You chuckle.
"I could say the same to you"
Sukuna hums. He lifts his hand to grab strands of your hair. You didn't move as you looked at him with a straight face.

"And what did I deserve to have the goddess of light visit me in such dubious pleasure" he mocks.

You move his hand away from you.
"Yuuji. You ripped his heart out, did you"
Sukuna rubs his mouth, and just sneers a smile. He just couldn't keep a straight face.
"Was it noticeable?"

"When you fixed it. Tell me what you asked of him"
Sukuna smiles.
"I have no idea what you mean"

"I fixed his heart that is all"
"I know you Sukuna. You do things out of terms, and I know you did it for a cost"

You wait to see what he'd say. Sukuna walks back and takes a seat on the pile of bones on the ground. He motions for you to come.

Keeping your guard up, you follow. Sitting down next to him, Sukuna wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him.

"Do you miss this moment?"
"The feeling of your body against mine. How I enjoyed hearing my name from your voice"
He inhales the scent of your hair to take in that you are close to him again after centuries.

"Sukuna please..."

His smile collapses and grunts.
"Do you not miss me? After centuries of being apart from each other. Why do you resist your desires for me?"
"It's not that I don't miss you...I mean, I don't know. Tengen told me not to believe every word you say to me. And Satoru told me not to get so close to you"

Sukuna laughs.
"It's amusing how you listen to the man who had you trapped in a temple your whole life. And that white-haired dumbass who you barely know" he says.

He was starting to show his aggressive side again. The side that you came to hate so much.

"Tengen was my master and my friend. And Satoru...Satoru is kind"
"And that makes him your friend as well? Is he not doing what the sorcerers have done to you thousands of years ago?"
"What do you mean?"

"Entrapping you inside a chamber"
"He lets me out whenever there's a chance to go out"
"Under his order. You don't go anywhere unless someone's behind you. It's moronic, things haven't changed for you. Just like before, you are forever shackled by these humans. Pleasing them instead of yourself, and you call yourself the goddess of light?"

There was silence in the domain. Sukuna smiled as he thought he did a good job with his words. All he needed was to put some doubt in your head about Gojo and everyone else you're staying with.

The idea was to not trust the humans so you could end up relying on Sukuna more than anyone.

"If you stay with me by my side. I will give you anything your heart desires. Have people worship you and fear you as they should. I would even kill a whole town just for you. All you need to do is lend me your powers" he said.

The moment he was about to touch your face, you lifted your head and gazed at him. It surprised him to see rage in your eyes.

"How dare you. How can you say such things to me like that? I have put up a lot of shit with your words Sukuna. But the line is drawn if you ever question my title and the people I am responsible for protecting. Don't you ever disrespect me or I will have you exorcised. I hope you haven't forgotten that I'm the one who is supposed to kill you. But I don't, because there's a side you only show me that makes me fall so deeply in love with you. But you also give me this side where you want to torment me and break my spirit. These mixed signals have me question my love for you"

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