Chapter 16

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Back in Jujutsu High. Deep within a dark hallway, you were inside a room with Gojo and Ijichi.

You were sitting next to Gojo.

You stare at a person who you know to be Itadori under a tarp. You had no words to say, nor any tears to shed.

You were just sad and angry at the same time. You told Gojo that you wanted to be with his students in case of any danger. But he didn't want you to.

While having a good time, his students were in trouble. You weren't upset at him, he was only trying to protect you. But you're mad at yourself. You couldn't save anyone again. And that guilt transpired in you more.

"If you encounter it, your choices are to either run or die. I warned them that fighting was not an option" Ijichi says.

"It was intentional"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"There was a special grade. Sending first-years to rescue five who may or may not be alive should be out of the question" Gojo says.

He takes a glance at you and back at Itadori's body.

"Besides, with Yuuji. I was the one who forced the issue and got his execution indefinitely suspended. Some higher-ups who didn't like that took advantage of my absence and the special grade to tactfully dispose of him"

So that seemed to take some weight off your shoulders. Gojo didn't know about there being a special grade involved. If anything it was the higher-up's fault.

"If the other two had also died, it'd be more harassment for me. And two birds with one stone for them" he says.

"But no one expected it to become a special grade by the time the dispatch was issued," Ijichi says.

"Searching for someone to blame us is just a pain"
"Satoru..." Gojo looks at you while you try not to scrunch your face.

"...the higher-ups are so cruel" you whisper while clutching your dress. Gojo takes your hand in comfort.
"(Y/n) you want me to just kill all of the higher-ups?"

You look at Gojo as your eyes widen. Ijichi gasps from his question. Before you say anything the door slides open as a woman with tired eyes comes in.

"You're not usually this emotional"

"It's good to see you, Ieri-san!" Ijichi says.
The woman named Ieri looks at you for a moment. She inspects you and hums.

"So this is the famous (l/n) (y/n). The goddess of light and wife of Ryoumen Sukuna"
"Ieri" Gojo warns her.
"It's alright" you smile as you stand up and bow.

"It's nice to meet you. And I wouldn't say that I'm his wife anymore" give a small smile.
Ieri nods.
"So I've been overhearing the conversation. And it looks to me...that you've taken quite a liking to him" She looks at Gojo.

"I've always been a nice guy who cares for my students," he says.
"Don't torment Ijichi too much"
"I don't care about that man's hardships"
"That so?"

Ieri removes the tarp to reveal Itadori.
"So this is..."
You can just see the open wound in the middle of his chest. It made you sick to your stomach.

Just who would do such a thing? You thought.

"Sukuna's vessel, huh?"
"I can take him apart as I please, right?"
"Don't!" You yell.

Everyone turns to you as you pull yourself back.
"I mean...I'm sorry"
"(Y/n), come here" Gojo waves his hands to you.

You walk towards him and he hugs you. You were taken aback by his action, but you succumbed to it.

"I know this is hard. Especially since you care about people so much. But you have to understand. He chose this" he says.

Without saying anything more you just nod. Gojo rubs your back for comfort.

"Make sure to get good use out of him," Gojo says.
"Oh, I will. Who do you think I am?"

You look at Itadori's pale body and wonder if Sukuna's soul is dead along with his. Would it take that much to kill him just like that?

Inside Yuuji's body.

"This isn't the afterlife. It's my innate domain"

Right now, Sukuna was sitting on Yuuji's back.

"Innate domain? That thing Fushiguro was talking about?"
"You could also say we're in my mind. In other words, we're not dead yet. If you'll accept my conditions, I'll fix your head and bring us back to life"

"Cocky bastard. You act all big, but I know you don't want to die either. I know you want to see (y/n), don't you?"

"The situation's changed. Shortly. I'll be able to see something interesting. And as for (y/n), I can feel her every time she's near. The thought of seeing my beloved wife again will be an intriguing reunion indeed. I will feel her again, her body, her power"

It didn't take long for Itadori to see that Sukuna has an obsession with you. He just couldn't believe that someone so beautiful and kind was the wife of some monster.

"What do you want with (y/n)? If you hurt her..."
"That's for me to know and for you to never find out brat. She's my wife so I can do whatever I please to her"

"You asshole"
"Now then. I have two conditions, one: when I chant "extension," you'll hand over your body for one minute. Two: you'll forget this promise"

"No way. I don't know what your goal is, but it's shady as hell. After what you did this time, I finally got it. You're evil. I'm not lending you my body again"

"Then I'll promise that I won't kill or injure anyone during that minute. So annoying"
"Like I can believe you!"

"It's not about whether you believe me or not. Besides I promised (y/n) that I wouldn't hurt anyone who wasn't a threat to me"

Yuuji scoffs.
"Like you can keep that promise"
"Technically I did. I just killed those who I thought were a threat to me. And let's just say a majority were" Sukuna sneers.

Yuuji wasn't even surprised. He honestly wishes to tell you these things about him right now, so you would see just how evil he is.

You probably knew, but you also had that set of mind that something could change inside him.

He won't change.

"This is a pact. I'll be the one punished if I break it. If you pursue selfish gain beyond your means, you'll earn retribution. I'm pretty sure you've experienced that before yourself"

"It wasn't a problem before!"
"Huh? Oh...that time I wanted to switch. And you were doing as that sorcerer told you to. A pact founded in mutual interest. That's one of the key factors behind all jujutsu"

"Fine. Move. I'll accept your conditions"
Sukuna gets off of Itadori and Itadori stands up to breathe.
"I don't know what you're trying to do. But it means I'll come back to life!" Yuuji punches Sukuna in the face.

"Like hell, I'd say that. Bring me back to life without any conditions? It's your fault I died in the first place. And I'm going to expose you to (y/n), just so she knows clearly who you are!"

Sukuna stays silent for a while. There was no need for you to know about what Sukuna has plans for you yet.

"And who is she going to believe? Her husband, or a pathetic immature brat?"
"She's nothing like you so of course she'll take a chance and believe me dumbass. That's who she is!"

Sukuna wipes his mouth.
"Then how about this? We'll fight to the death, and if you win, I'll do it without conditions, and you can tell (y/n) everything we conversed about. If I win. You come back to life under my conditions, and forget everything we have discussed"

"Sure! I'll beat you to—"

Everything went black.

And it ended just like that.

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