Chapter 17

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Back in the living. You were sitting next to Gojo on a metal lounge chair.

"You know. I have a bad personality"
"Really? I'm finding that hard to believe" you said.
"Gojo-san has his moments once in a while" Ijichi sighs.

"Ijichi, expect a hard forehead flick later," Gojo says.
"F-forehead flick?!"
You lightly chuckle as you try to bring up your mood.

"Being a teacher isn't my style"
"Why did you want to teach at school then?" You kindly ask.
"Because I have a dream"

You sigh in awe as you continue to look at Gojo.
"A dream?"
"Yup. As you can see in this case with Yuuji the top of the jujutsu world is a den of vice. Conservative fools. Traditional fools. Arrogant fools. Just plain fools"

You chuckle and nod.
"I believe it"
"You? I'm surprised that you agree, (y/n)"
"Ah sorry! Was that rude of me to say?"
Gojo chuckles.

"No, I'm just teasing. But it's like a bargain sale on rotten mikan. I want to reset that garbage jujutsu world"

Ijichi gasps while you look at Gojo seriously.
"Killing everyone at the top would be an easy task. But they would just get replaced. It wouldn't bring a revolution. And if I did that, no one would follow me. That's why I chose education. To raise strong, clever comrades"

You smile and grab Gojo's hands in yours. He can just feel how soft your hands are. The feeling felt so good to him.

"You are a good man Satoru. And I know this isn't like me to support murder. But I understand the feeling. If you kill the higher-ups, well...just this once, I, (l/n) (y/n) give you my full support. And me being the goddess of this jujutsu world, that's all you need right? But continue to guide the young future sorcerers and show them the right path" you said.

Your voice was like milk and honey to the two men. Especially to Gojo. He felt something there from your words.

You were truly the sweetest woman he had ever met. And just being here and feeling your touch gives him so much comfort.

"Heh, you should be the one doing the whole "guiding sorcerers to the right path," thing"
You chuckle and just shrug.
"Besides, I occasionally toss my missions to my students. It's tough love" he playfully says.

"Aren't you just slacking off?" Ijichi ask.
You just giggle.

"They're all talented. Especially the third-year, Hakari, and second-year, Okkotsu. They'll become jujutsu sorcerers on par with me"

You never left Gojo's hand as you can feel his veins. He was clutching his hands to a fist so hard that it alarms you.

"Yuuji was one of those, as well"
You give him a sincere apologetic look.

"Hey, you three. I'm about to get started. Do you want to be here for this, (y/n)? You aren't squeamish are you?" Ieri asks.

Your eyes widen as you see the dead Itadori lift himself back to life. You had no words as you and Gojo just stared in awe.

Ieri turns around and looks surprised.
"Whoa, my dick is hanging out"

"G-G-G-Gojo-san! H-H-H-H-He's alive!"
Gojo sneers and laughs.
"Ijichi, be quiet"

You were still left with no words. Itadori is alive and you have a feeling that Sukuna was responsible for it.

"It's unbelievable" you whisper.
"I'm kinda disappointed" Ieri pouts.
"Uhm, I'm embarrassed to ask, but who are you?"

Gojo walks up to Itadori. You follow.
"Yuuji. Welcome back"
"Yeah. Good to be back!"
The two gave each other a high five.

"Yuuji?" You walk up to him and examine his body. Hence his dick.
He pulls you in for a hug and you stutter and blush like crazy.

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