Chapter 22

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Two months have passed. And you have improved your techniques more than ever. You let Quiang out to train alongside you with Gojo.

This was also the first time they met, and the results were...uncanny. The first time you summoned him, Gojo acted how you knew he did. Which didn't surprise you.

"Oh, so this is the rat man!"
"What!? Don't you call me a rat man you shameful brat!!"

You just laugh.
"Oh my..."

And on that day Quiang looks at Gojo as a strange childish man. But strong.

Walking down the hallway with Gojo, you see Nanami waiting for you two. You smiled and jogged up to him.

"Nanami it's good to see you again. It's been so long" you said.
"It's only been about three days" he stoically says.
You pout.
"Still too long, I was almost starting to worry. Oh by the way"

You check your dress pocket and soon pull out a nice little flower from the garden you were in before.

"This is—"
"A calla lily. It represents maturity. Yes, I've seen those flowers before" Nanami says.

Your eyes sparkle at Nanami's knowledge of a flower. You almost squealed at how a man who enjoys flowers is pretty attractive.

"Then this is for you!" giving him the flower Nanami accepts.
"Thank you, I will be sure to care for it"

You blush happily while Gojo just pouts.
"So where's Yuuji?" You ask.
"He's coming, he just needed a moment," Nanami said.

While waiting you suddenly spot Yuuji walking down the hall. You were about to smile and wave to him but unfortunately, your smile died down once you saw his expression.

It didn't take an expert to know that there was a hint of dejection and seriousness. And it was gravitated towards you.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you for a moment? In private?" He asks.
"Yes of course!" You were eager to know what happened with his time with Nanami.

Gojo and Nanami understood as you went into a room not too far from them. Closing it Yuuji sits down on a chair and you take a seat across from him.

Yuuji's gaze was on the floor as he was thinking. And then he just spoke.

"My friend died recently. His name was Junpei"
"I'm so sorry Yuuji"
"I'm not done. He died by a cursed spirit with a patchface...I tried to ask Sukuna to help. But all he did was laugh at me. He and that other spirit both just laughing and mocking me"

Hearing his voice there was a hint of frustration.

Taken aback at what he said, you couldn't believe that Yuuji suffered like that. You didn't know what to say, but all you wanted to do was comfort him.

"You asked Sukuna to help you?"
"I thought if I gave him something he would. But I forgot that cursed spirits can be cruel"

There was this slight discomfort you felt just hearing all this. It's okay that he feels like this. In that kind of situation where you'd lose a friend to something like that, it's normal that you would feel that way.

"So I need to ask you a question," Yuuji asks.
"What is it"
"Why did you ever make Sukuna your husband (y/n)? Do you tolerate his behavior?"

You shake your head.
"No, never. I would never let him do anything to harm an innocent being"
"Then what made him special to you? Did you really love him? Once in a while, I hear him inside my head. And you have no idea the foul things he says. It's like he's trying to pick at my brain. I just don't get it"

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