Chapter 10

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"It was like...a shock wave throughout my whole body. There was this thrill for a short moment. I was just so close to seeing what that spirit looked was huge"

You were lying on a futon bed, naked next to Sukuna. His lower arm holds you around the waist while his upper arms are behind his head.

"This portal you've created. How big was it?"
"It was big. Well, not huge, but a decent size. I wish to have learned and discover more about it, but it's forbidden" you sigh.

"Who said that?"
"My master"
"You have discovered something that can give you more power, and yet your teacher is holding you back from it?"
"No...well if he says it, it's for a reason"

You grimace from saying that. A flashback just came to you.

Sukuna sighs with frustration.
"You are dull (y/n)"
"What if I use that power against you? I don't think you've forgotten about me killing you"

Sukuna looks you dead in the eye.
"But you don't want to. Do you?"
You didn't say anything more.

Sukuna gets up and puts his pants back on. You get dressed and the moment you were about to bid your farewells, you see that he still had the hairpin you gave him.

"You are still carrying the hairpin" You were in awe.
"Tch, don't be ridiculous. If I lose it, then I won't hear the end of it with your dumb cries"

Sukuna looks away. You smirk and see that he was trying to avoid your gaze.

How cute.

"Sukuna. Look"
You gently cup his cheeks and turn to meet his eyes. You then kiss his forehead, which surprised him.

You just smile.
"Don't be sad, okay?"
Sukuna looks at you and sighs. He pets the top of your head.
"Dumb wife"
Pacing around your room, you are a nervous wreck. How do you start to tell Tengen that you have been seeing Sukuna?

Chewing on your fingernails you thought about so many scenarios on how it could go.

You didn't even bother noticing your door sliding open. It was Miyabi and she was carrying food in for you.

"Food is ready (y/n). Are you okay?"
She sets the food down.
"Thank you, Miyabi. I will have it later" you said.

Miyabi was concerned to see you act so nervous.

"(Y/n), forgive me but you have been acting a bit strange these past couple of days"
You look back to Miyabi.
"Oh. I'm just nervous. That's all"

Miyabi smiles and takes your hand. You gaze at her curiously. She leads you to your bed and pours you some tea.

"Maybe this will calm your nerves," she says.
Taking it from her hands, you take a drink and sigh.

"Whatever it is you are nervous about (y/n), I'm sure you will be fine"
"Thank you Miyabi...have you been practicing your writing and literature lately?"

She nods.
"Yes, I have. I am grateful that you taught me (y/n)"
"That's good. Has there been any word from Tengen?"
"He will be coming here soon. He wants to speak to you privately. He says it was urgent"

After finishing your meal and getting ready. You meet Tengen in a room. The thing keeping you to see was the candles lit all around.

He pops up from your side which startles you.
"I'm sorry to have asked for you so suddenly"
"No that's okay. I needed to talk to you anyway"

Tengen nods and grabs some scriptures.
"First we need to get down to important matters. Ryoumen Sukuna, he is not working alone"

You look surprised. He has his servants you have seen before, but he was never the type to work together with.

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