Chapter 5

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Tengen exorcises the spirit. How he did it left you confused and worried.

"Why'd you do that?"
"A curse spirit isn't always friendly to people (l/n)"
"But it wasn't doing anything"
"Sometimes we have to exorcise it when it does become a threat to others. You'll learn more about it all in the temple" he says.

Tengen continues walking and you just follow. This whole idea was still new to you and you still didn't know how to feel about it.

As you two continue walking you see a sweet shop. Your stomach started grumbling and you just couldn't help but crave sweets.

"Tengen look!" You pointed.
"Buy me some sweets please!" You plead.
Tengen looks over at you confused.
"What? No, we aren't stopping for that"

You groan.
"Come on! We've been walking for about a day. We've been at a rest inn once throughout this journey"
"To rest but after that, we kept going"

Tengen continues to walk, but you had an idea he couldn't refuse.
"As your lady of jujutsu society, I order you to buy me sweets. If not I will tell the elders how you disobeyed me" you say.

Tengen stops in his tracks and sighs.
"Fine. But only this once" he gives you some yen to pick and choose what you want.

You come out of the shop with mochis and senbei (rice crackers). Humming in delight as you eat them.

Honestly, this was the first time Tengen has ever seen you genuinely happy. At least for the moment.

Coming closer to the destination, you see red pillars and buildings so tall. Trees that are bright green and others that adorn white petals.

It was all very beautiful and sacred

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It was all very beautiful and sacred. And not only that, it seemed hidden away from everything else. No regular civilian would notice it.

Soon you were greeted by many officials that were bowing to you. Like down to the floor.

You blush and raised your hands, you didn't want them to go that far as something like that. But Tengen told you that this was just a minor action.

Everything else will be more of a headache once you settle in the temple.

The servants grab your things and guide you to a room at the top of the building.

"A bath will be provided to you shortly lady (l/n)" a servant says.
"Oh okay...where is Tengen?" You asked.
"Master Tengen is busy talking with the officials at the moment"
You nod.

Looking around your room, it was very spacious. Not even your old room from back home was this big. You get to see the view of a garden.

It had drawers, a huge size bed, a table, and fancy silk that adorns your bed. And you can see that you were left with fancy clothes that even a ruler would wear.

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