Chapter 1

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Warning: Before you start, this story contains Sexual content, Strong Language, etc., minors please do not interact. If you do, I am not responsible for those who are not the suitable age reading this story. It is out of my hands as the author to post my hard work for those who read this story. It is your decision and your decision alone.

You were delivering sweets to your neighbor and the local front store owner. As thanks for helping your father build a small but decent bath house in your home.

No more long walks to the bath houses and back every single day now for you.

Everyone who was walking outside or hanging around storefronts, they all greet you happily. Everyone knew everyone in the village, so familiar faces weren't hard to pass by others.

You open the noren of the little shop. You were greeted by the owner's daughter.

"(Y/n)! What a surprise to see you" she bows.
"Akiko, it's good to see you. Is your father here?"
"Right now he's taking care of some business with someone at the moment"

You bring up the basket you were holding.
"Okay, well I just came to drop these off. As thanks for helping my dad with our bathhouse"

You pull out sweets that were wrapped in the cloth. Akiko happily takes it.
"I'll let him know"
You bow and leave the shop, but that is until Akiko calls out for you again.

"If you don't mind (y/n). Do you think we can chat a bit more? If you have time" she fidgets with her fingers.
"Yeah, sure"

You sit down on a chair while Akiko brings you some tea.
"What did you want to talk about?" You ask as you bring the tea to your lips.
"So I have good news. I'm getting married!" She says.

You look towards her and smile.
"Wow, that's amazing Akiko!"
"You know the boy at the wielding shop? He asked for my hand in marriage. I said yes!" She blushes and starts to swoon over the event.

"Did your dad approve it?" You ask.
Akiko nods.
"He did. Everything went well, and he will be able to provide for me. I won't have to work, but just care for our children" she happily says.

"That's great"
You were happy to see the people in your village get married. It was a celebration of young couples having a life together.

"What about you?"
"Huh? What about me?"
"Are you planning on getting married anytime soon?"
You laugh nervously.
"W-well...I'm not too sure yet"

Akiko gasps.
"Seriously (y/n)! You are the most beautiful girl in the village! Anyone would love to be with you. I've seen the guys gawk over you" she says.

You laugh.
"Yeah I know, it's pretty hard to ignore it"
"Your about to turn 18, (y/n), in about a year soon! I hope your father is gathering suitors for you"

You never actually thought of marriage for a long time. You weren't like the other girls who would be so excited and want to be wed sooner than later.

You've been so busy with helping your mom and dad with housework and foraging (at a certain distance) to sell for money, that you never had marriage in mind.

You only smile and grab Akiko's hand.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure one day" you said.

Taking off you head to your neighbor's home and gave them your offerings. Curfew started to come as the sun was setting. You head home and was met with your mother cooking dinner.

"Welcome home," she says.
You take off your sandals and enter your home.
"Is dad not back yet?"
"He's off gathering some wood, he'll be back shortly"

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