Chapter 25

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They say that you were the chosen one. The daughter of Amida Buddha who he chose to make you the goddess of immeasurable Light and Limitless Life like him.

Those were old scriptures dated back to the late Heian period, right when you were sealed. Many believed you went back home.

Home as in the West Pure Land. But some say that you were judged by the deities, for leaving your duties of vanquishing evil yourself. And you went to hell for it.

Funny, some people say that you left Fudo Myoo all the work to vanquish evil himself. And that one day he will look for you to face justice for leaving your post.

But those were stories told for entertainment. But a bad outlook for you, you guess.

But at the end of the day, these stories are labeled just like any others would be—a story tale. Whether one would believe it or not, religious devotees decided that for themselves.

You were just a woman. A woman chose to be put in a world you didn't want to be in. But what choice did you have?

If Amida Buddha ever chose you, you had no choice. Either do your duties or go to hell where all those horrible stories in the hell scrolls were told.

But you already seem to have been experiencing that lately. At least for the most part with yourself. You try not to waver. You knew how to hold your sad feelings when you still had some hope.

Was that good? Yes and no.

There have been moments already when Tengen and Sukuna have seen you burst like a volcano emotionally. And even now in the modern day, you've been contemplating.

Peaceful gods can have melancholic feelings too. However, you would feel guilty after that. And you try your best to hide it again.

But soon that will all stop one day. Sooner than you think, you'll understand the reason the choice that the prophecy scrolls made was right.

You'll be put back to pieces again.

But for now, you wish you could just go back to sleep again where you lived a happy dream, away from the real world.

You didn't want to be a god. But you agreed to be for people's sake. Even if you said no, you would be forced to anyway. Nothing will ever be the same anymore. You can't live your old life again.

After the whole fiasco, you told Gojo that you would visit Itadori, Kugisaki, and Megumi to see how they were doing.

He didn't mind and let you go. Assuming they all had to be in Megumi's dorm.

Holding a bouquet, you gave light knocks until you heard him say come in.

"Hello, I hope I'm not intruding," you said.
"(Y/n)-san, I didn't expect you to come here," Megumi said.
"Well, I wanted to give you all these" You gave each bouquet.

"It's a gift for how hard you all fought. You all did wonderful and should acknowledge how much you've grown" you said.

The trio couldn't help but blush at your caring warmth. You just radiate it.

"(Y/n), do you want a slice of pizza?" Yuuji asks.
You tilt your head.
"Yeah, this" he points at the savory goodness.

You slowly grab one and take a bit. Eyes beam and sparkle with delight. Never have you ever tasted anything like it.

"So good! The flavors are overflowing!" you squeal.

As they all smile and laugh from your moment, Kugisaki turns back to Itadori.

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