Chapter 20

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With the open air blowing through your hair, you focus for a moment and release your curse tool. An arcane scepter that you've had for a very long time. Sometimes just a flick of your fingers is all it takes to exorcise a curse.

You haven't fought anything too big to have any means to use the scepter. But since it's Gojo, you might as well show him all that you've trained for.

He sees your staff and smiles brightly. It was a beautiful scepter, and he can only imagine what you can do with it.

He's so excited to fight a god like you.

"Don't hesitate now" he teases.
You scoff as you play along.
"You should say that for yourself"

You kick off by swinging your scepter.

Curse technique: Glacier Pillar

A sphere magically appears under Gojo's feet and creates a tall sharp pyramid-like ice pillar.

He dodged it in the air and you point your scepter at him.

Curse technique: Ray of Judgement

A shot of light beams out at a long distance from where you are to him. Gojo makes a move and uses his technique.

"That's a big move right there!" He says.
You giggle.
"You said not to hold back"
Gojo smirks and extends his arm.
"Then I guess it's my turn"

Curse technique: Red

He repels you with a red orb that explodes on you critically. He didn't want to go to the extremes, but he'll do whatever it takes to see how far you'll go.

The dirt and dust clear up from the explosion, and he checks for a moment to see if you are okay.

And to his surprise, you weren't there

"Shit, did I go to far?" He mumbles.
But then he felt your presence from afar. He turns his head quickly and soon uses your scepter to create a storm above Gojo.

The storm crashes down and hits him. While in shock you create a warding technique under you.

Curse technique: Arcane Flower

With that, you power up your curse energy and techniques for your next move. You create a circle of fire around you just in case Gojo comes close to you for combat.

I'll keep him distant for now, I do well in range anyway. You thought.

Soon you pull off a fire technique and shoot at him. Huge orbs of fire magma just straight at him. Gojo dodges and warps to you at a distance.

"So she can use a lot of elemental magic. And I'm assuming that the magic flower under her is giving her some power-ups. Guess I'll have to push her away from it"

Gojo warps behind you, and before you point your scepter at him, Gojo pushes you back away from the magic circle with just the force of air from his fists.

Being pushed back with force your back gets hit by a tree. You gasp from the impact.

Not good.

You grunt as you have to quickly get up. But you were too slow as Gojo came close to you.

"Sorry about this"

Black Flash.

He punches your gut to the point of spewing a bit of bleed. He then grabs the collar of your red jacket and throws you in the air.

Everything was a blur as you tried to regain yourself. When you catch your focus again, you see Gojo.

Curse technique: Red

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