Chapter 7

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You were just walking.

You walked deep into the forest without any clue where you were going. But as long as something was just calling you out there, you didn't stop.

You didn't know why you haven't stopped. You were too far from the temple, you have to get back before they searched for you.

Soon you felt the familiar energy again. The same intense energy you felt the first time.

The moment you came close, you spot none other than Sukuna himself.

He was cross-legged while his hand was supporting his head. His eyes gazed at you, and the moment your eyes meet, it was like time stopped for just a moment.

That sounded cliche, but you just felt that it's been a long time since you've seen your husband.

Jogging your way to Sukuna you wanted to hug him but you felt like that's too forward.

"Sukuna! I thought I'd never see you again"

Sukuna stares at you and then suddenly pulls you in his hold. You blush, feeling his strong arms. He was warm and you admire his tattoo marks.

"You are allowed to be close to me. Not like you haven't done so"
You giggle and cherish the moment you have with him.

"You've been gone for a long time"
"I know, I'm sorry"
"Where were you" he sounded a bit demanding, but you didn't find it threatening.
"I was...attending to personal things," you said.

Sukuna didn't look pleased with that answer.

"I'm your husband, woman. You shouldn't keep secrets from me. I thought that's how married spouses work" he strictly says.

You look nervous. He was right, you couldn't keep a secret from your husband. Right?

You didn't know how married couples are supposed to act with each other. But you knew that they both had to love one another.

And having children was out of the question.

You tell Sukuna what he may have wanted to hear. You chose your words wisely.

"I was practicing my cursed energy. I'm trying to get the hang of it"

Sukuna looks at your tiny body as he takes in your focused features. He sighs then puts his hand on your head.

You come back to reality and look up at him.

"Cursed energy is used among the forms of negative emotions, grief or anger for example"
"I know that I read about it," you said

Sukuna scoffs.
"I doubt you have any kind of grief or anger inside you. I bet you wouldn't even hurt an ant if it killed you" Sukuna started taunting you.

You look at him with distraught.
"I have you know that cursed energy has various uses through any emotion. And it's not like I want to kill anyone. I just want to protect those who I love" you said.

"Protecting someone you love requires a bit of bloodshed. If people's lives were at stake, would you subdue the enemy or kill them once and for all to stop their purge?"

So befuddled by his questions, you get up from the ground and away from Sukuna. You didn't understand why he was asking you that. Was he trying to teach you something? Was he talking about himself?

You already knew the story behind him and how people feared him. But you thought it was all just stories to scare them at first. Sukuna is a monstrous-looking curse. An evil of darkness. He's killed so many people.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Jujustu KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now