Chapter 12

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The woman takes you inside her home. She lived in an apartment in Chiba. You were in awe by so many of the tall buildings and modern technology around you.

Opening the door, tiny footsteps were heard.
"Mom your home! Who's this?"

The little girl tilts her head and looks at you. She smiles.
"You're really pretty," she says.

"This is my daughter Hina. Hina this is...I'm sorry I don't think I asked for your name"
"(Y/n), I'll get the bath ready for you and bring you a spare change of clothes. For now, take a seat"

She guides you to the sofa. Taking a seat, you look around and stare at photos. The little girl named Hana quickly takes a seat next to you.

Curiosity was in her eyes.
"Are you going to stay with us forever?" She asks.
"Oh, Uhm. I don't know"
"Because if you are then it will be more livelier here," she says.

"Is that so?"
"Uh-huh. It's just me and my mom. I'm not sure where my dad is, but my mom said that he had to take a business trip that requires him to stay wherever he is for a long time" she says.

You look at the little girl and see a bit of sadness in her eyes.
"How long has he been gone for?" You asked.
"I don't know. Long, since I was three. I'm eight now...I don't think he's really coming back" she says.

You can sense her gloomy aura around her.
You rub her head.
"Don't be sad. Maybe one day he will come back"
"And if he doesn't?"
"Well, then you know your mom will always be there for you. She hasn't left you and you know she loves you very much"

The little girl soon puts on a bright smile and nods.

You didn't understand why she was telling you personal things like this to a stranger like you. But maybe she's been lonely for a long time and she just didn't care who she'd talk to at this point.

It didn't matter though. No matter who was in trouble, you hope to do the best you can to help them.

"(Y/n), the bath is ready!"

You go and wash yourself up. After that the woman who you know her name now is Maira, gives you a pair of clothes.

You wear it and found how comfortable it is.

Modern clothes these days seem to be much better than the clothes back centuries ago. You thought.

"Oh my, it looks nice on you"

Maira gives you a nice long light pink dress that goes down to your calves, a red leather jacket, and nice short dark brown boots.

"Thank you for the clothes" you bow.
"Hehe, they are yours"

Quickly you raise your hands.
"I couldn't!"
"Nonsense, you don't seem to have any belongings so the least I can do is give you these clothes," she says.

Soon after, Maira, Hina, and you all go out shopping. Japan was very busy. It was no longer the quiet land you used to live in.

The population was massive. And you see so many signs and lights adorning the buildings. Strange vehicles riding around the streets instead of horses carrying along carriages.

Everything was better than before. It almost makes you jealous.

You felt hands pulling on your dress.
"(Y/n), let's go get you some jewelry!"
"Hina, don't drag her" Maira scolds.

"I-it's fine. And I'm not too big on those kinds of things" you said.
"But they would look nice on you" Hina pouts.

You sigh.
"Well, if you think so, then you choose for me"
Hina smiles and then runs inside.

Hina chooses bangle bracelets and a string flower necklace.

She pulls out some allowance money she has to pay for it, but sadly she was a bit short. Her mom laughs.

"I got it sweetie" She pays for the items and you wear them.
"Pretty!" Hina is in awe.
"Thank you. You two are doing so much for me. I don't know how to repay you"

Maira waves her hand.
"A young woman like you who has no family or place to stay, needs to be taken care of. You don't look like you have bad intentions so just let us help you"

You nod. Walking down the streets with them, you stop in your tracks and see a flower shop. There were so many pretty flowers you couldn't help but stare.

So pretty...

"Oh, you're looking at flowers?" Maira asks.
"Long ago, I use to pick so many wildflowers and gift them to so many people in my hometown"

"Really? Where did you use to live?"
You hesitate for a moment and did the best you can to answer.
"Ah, the far East. North-east?" You pull a nervous smile and point in the direction.

"Oh, so you use to live in Kyoto?"
You nod.

That's what the town is called now?

Maira looks at your confused face and only chuckles.
"It's okay if you don't remember, hopefully, it all comes back to you. Here, I'll give you a few coins for you if you want to buy some flowers. Hina and I will meet you back at the house. Are you okay going back by yourself? Do you know where we live exactly?"

You nod.
"Alright then, see you home! Come in Hina"
Hina waves to you and you wave back.

Looking at the shop, you go inside and look at all the wonderful flowers. You remember some back 1000yrs ago, and some that were new to you.

Taking some in a basket, you spot a couple of apricot flowers. They were white and very vibrant. You remember that those flowers convey faithfulness, elegance, and purity of heart.

As you admire them, you didn't realize that someone walks up next to you.

"Let me buy them for you"
You snap out of it and look at who spoke.

A man with long black hair, wearing black robes, and what you can see appears to be a scar on his head.

He looked pretty weird.

"Oh no you don't have to. I have some money to buy some myself. People have been giving me things for free already today" you said with that warm smile of yours.

The man smiles.
"Well, I hope you don't mind if you let me. Just for once at least" he picks up the flowers and pays for them.

You at least pay for the rest you picked out.

He then gives the flowers to you. And the moment you touch his hands, you felt a wave of shock.

By surprise, you pull your hands away from him quickly and take a step back. The man looks at you confused.

"Are you alright?"
"...yes. I-I'm sorry, I guess that was weird" You laugh it off and grab the flowers.

"Thank you very much" You bow and walk back home quickly.

The man smirks.
"(L/n) (y/n), half curse spirit, half human. To finally meet you at last. All due in time, we will see each other again"

Later in the evening.

Back at home, you take your shoes off and place the flowers on your dresser. You sigh as you rub your head.

You still couldn't get over that shockwave you felt earlier from the man before. His presence felt off and it bugged you a bit.

What was that all about?

You heard a knock on your door. You come and open it to see Maira.
"I hope I'm not bothering you, but someone is here to see you. He's saying that he knows you?"

Coming out of your room you see a tall man in black clothing. He had a blindfold covering his eyes and he has white hair.

He gives you a smile and waves at you.
"Yo, it's been a long time (l/n) (y/n)!"

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