Chapter 6

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A couple of days later.

At night, you were on your futon bed, reading the scrolls given by Tengen.

Once in a while, you'd take breaks here and there. Miyabi would bring you food while you continue reading.

Not long after that, sleep was overtaking you and you fell asleep on top of the scrolls.

In the depths of your dreams, you were walking around in an open area. Nothing but dust and dirt blowing through the wind.

It was like nothing was around you. Like someone destroyed what used to be in such an enormous area.

"Where...where am I" you whisper, beyond confused about what was nothing in front of you.

Everything else was just a blur. You couldn't see what else was out there, but you knew it wasn't a good feeling.

It felt like death occurred here. Like the smell of dead carcasses lingering.

Soon you started hearing voices. Whispers of your name being called.

"Who's there? What is this?"

And that's when you suddenly fell on your knees in pain.

"I say unto you, the era of bloodshed and terror is nigh"

You cover your ears as your head starts to hurt. The ringing in your head bursts as you grit your teeth in pain as you bend to the ground.

"The time of the chill darkness and light will bare its fangs is nigh"

"Please stop"

The gushing of wind blows heavier as the dust and dirt whirl along with it, engulfing you in it.

"The time of madness and the time of contempt"


Suddenly you wake up. Breathing heavily and gasping for air as sweat was dripping from your skin.

You heard multiple footsteps come running towards your room. As your door bursts open, you see Miyabi along with other maids come in.

"My lady are you alright!?" Miyabi runs towards you and lifts your upper body from the bed.

"(L/n), what happened in here?"

You look around and see dark markings around your room. As if a force pushed everything back. All of your valuables were everywhere, along with some of your shoji doors torn. Broken wood was disheveled.

Your face was overwhelmed with fear.
"I...I-I don't know"

Miyabi feels your forehead.
"You're burning up. I'll give you some herbal tea, while everyone cleans the mess up"

She moves you out of the room and has you relax in another. Miyabi brings you the tea and you drink from it.

Huge gulps without even caring for how hot it is. You just wanted to forget about that dream you had.

Miyabi breaks the silence.
"I hope everything's okay my lady"
"I know, I'm sorry, but please understand I thought you were hurt. I was worried for a moment there"

You didn't say a word as your gaze was still on the ground. You sigh and rub your aching head.

"Thank you for the tea," you said.
Miyabi nods.
"Of course...I will let Master Tengen know about what just happened. Maybe he has the answers" she says.

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