Chapter 2

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Next day you were tending to the crops. Your mother was doing house chores while your father was out working out on the fields.

After last night's event you didn't know whether to sneak out again to see Sukuna. Seeing him and coming back alive must've been pure luck.

All the stories that you've been told about him. But what was much to your surprise was him letting you go. From the looks of it, he was contemplating himself when you two touched hands.

When you touched each others hands, you felt a tingling sensation. It was if you felt your souls connected. You were lost in a trance, feeling like you were in another world.

You wondered if Sukuna felt the same too. It felt oddly good.

After thinking long and hard about it, you decided to see him again. But not without bringing him something. Maybe he won't be so grumpy if you brought him a peace offering.

But what exactly would he like? Looking around you see peaches from a tree. Maybe he would enjoy eating fruits. You question yourself for a moment if a curse spirit like him can eat.

You didn't bother and just took a full basket of them.

Once you were done tending to the crops, you wash up and head to town with your basket full of flowers to see your friend Akiko.

While walking, you've been hearing faint whispers of conversations from the locals.

"Did you hear, someone said that evil curse spirit has been spotted around this area"
"I've been hearing that sorcerers are about to travel here and hunt it down"

"That spirit will have us give up on our livestocks or worse!"
"Just keep your head down, and don't look at it"

You've been hearing gossip about Sukuna more lately in your town. It's true that you did spot him in your area in the woods.

But you never knew that he was going to stick around.

Once you made it to your friends home, you check and see if she was around. She was sitting on a chair, looking lost in thought.

"Hey Akiko" you greet her.
"Oh, hello (y/n)"
You take a seat next to her.
"You seem to have something on your mind"
She chuckles but still looks a bit sad.

"'s just rumors have been getting around more and more that the evil spirit is coming here"
"Oh yeah. I've been hearing about it too"

Akiko looks at you with worry.
"Aren't you scared? I mean that beast could come any minute and just terrorize our village" she asks.

You take a moment and shrug.
"I don't really think of the bad. If anything, I have more hope that our people will be safe"

Akiko looks at you with awe and just softly chuckles as she shakes her head.

"I don't know how you do it (y/n). Honestly I'm jealous. I wish I can be like you. You're perfect"

Your smile fades.
"I...wouldn't say that"
"Come on, you saved a bird that was on the brink of death one time" she says.
"That was a long time ago. But that doesn't make me perfect"

"You're so loved by everyone in the village. I'm just surprised that they don't worship you. It's like you have mystical powers or something"

You turn away from her and just shake your head. Something about what Akiko said didn't sit right with you.

"I'm just like everyone else here. I'm no different and shouldn't be treated differently" you say sadly.
Akiko took notice.
"I'm sorry if my words offended you (y/n)"

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