Chapter 3

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"Sukuna...Sukuna are you here?" You whisper.

Outside in the woods at dark, you were holding a lamp to see while carrying your basket full of peaches.

Your parents were asleep as you sneaked out.

Waiting for a couple more minutes, you started to think that he wasn't around. Maybe he just went somewhere else.

"Dumb girl, you're back again?" You heard a familiar voice.

Turning around you see him standing above you in all his glory. You smile.

"Sukuna! I thought I wouldn't see you"
"And I didn't expect a little girl like you to come back"


Sukuna takes a seat on the soft grass and looks out towards the river with boredom. You hesitate but scooted your way to him.

"I brought you some peaches. I'm not sure if you require food to eat, but I thought why not" you hand him the basket.

Sukuna doesn't budge as he just looks at your basket and then at you. You just move it away and placed it down on the floor.

You just rub your head as you can already tell that this was an awkward start. Sukuna sees your reaction and just chuckles.

He slowly grabs a peach and takes a bite out of it. Looking back you see him chewing on the fruit. This makes you blush happily as he accepted your gift.

"I'm glad you like it"
"Tch don't get carried away, woman"

You scoot a bit close as you were face to face with him.
"Sorry. I just had to see you again. I don't know what it is, but I felt like we had a nice conversation"

Confusion was plastered on Sukuna's face. He didn't understand how threatening to kill you was a nice conversation.

Then again you weren't scared and knew he wasn't going to. It pissed him off how you were right.

"Whatever. Seeing how close and eager you are towards me, I'll let you off the hook this one time, and permit you to speak your mind" he says.

You chuckle.
"So silly. Well, my day wasn't anything unordinary. Just meeting my friend and chores" you said.
"What life," Sukuna says with no interest.

"But don't tell anyone...I did eavesdrop on my parents" you said looking nervous.
Sukuna didn't see what the big deal was for that. But looking at your expression, he could see that you have never done anything bad in your life.

You were this pure white flower swaying in its way near an embodiment of evil.

This made him want to mess with her even more.

He smirks.
"You? Someone who wouldn't even hurt an ant, eavesdropping?" He sarcastically says.
"Can you blame me!? I just had to, my parents were saying things about keeping me locked up in my household. Well, they were going to. But I have a curfew now, so I have to get home earlier than before" you said.

Sukuna just hums and looks out the distance. He puts his hand under his chin for support. He had no interest in hearing your everyday life story.

He was never interested in any human's life. There wasn't anything amusing about it.

Sukuna just zoned out while you kept talking. That is until you said something that brought his attention.

"I think...I think my father might be a cursed spirit" you whisper.
Sukuna looks at you with curiosity. He didn't want to believe it immediately, hearing how dumb that sounded.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Jujustu KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now