Chapter 26

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You remove your hand from his and gently touch his cheek,
"Even if you think you's not real"
"...What makes you say that?"

You make a gentle smile. Turning around you clasp your hands together in prayer. Closing your eyes in a solemn moment.
"...everyone dies eventually. Some sooner than others. Once my mission to stop the evil is complete, I'll disappear in thin air. But at least then I'll know and be satisfied that I finally saved a life. Even if I don't achieve my ideal of curses and humans being together in harmony...that's okay"

You tried to hold your smile, but Gojo knew that behind it was guilt and disorientation.

"(Y/n), I know you had your moments but...have you been sad this whole time before or after you awakened?" Gojo says.

You didn't want to think it's true. You hate to say it was. But you didn't want him or anyone else to worry about you.

You had to worry about them and protect them. Not the other way around. That's been done a lot already for you.

You turn and smile at him again.
"Why would I be? I'm fine Satoru"

He had a straight face. He knew that was a blatant lie. And he wasn't convinced in the slightest. He looks back at the garden.

You widen your eyes and arch your brows in shock. Gojo gets up and walks away, but before he does, he looks at you to the side.

"You don't always have to try and please others because of what happened years ago (y/n). What's done is done. And you made your decision for the first time back then as yourself. Granted it wasn't the best. But not everyone has to be strong all the time because of some title...well I shouldn't talk should I?"

You didn't say a word nor had an expression.

"But anyway, it's okay for you to not be okay. It's okay to be sad once in a while, and it's okay to cry. That's what feelings are. I know you've shown them to me before and I'm okay to comfort you anytime. Everyone is here for you and you're not alone nor should you take full responsibility alone in protecting everyone here"

Tears slowly started falling from your eyes.

"Who gives a shit that you're a half-curse spirit, half-human. You are who you are, and that's all that matters. And I know you want to achieve this "have cursed spirits and humans get along" thing. But that's a long and hard journey ahead. Not saying you can't do it, I believe that you can. And if you fail, don't act like it's the end of the world. People fail all the time. That's why we learn from it and try again, or try a different way"

He rubbed his neck and held a light blush on his face.
"And you may not have feelings for me now, but I'm not gonna stop until I make you my own. Just because you're a deity, doesn't mean you have the right to tell me how I should feel! Gojo Satoru will have your heart for sure! Even if it cost me my life to fight for it! Though I doubt it cause I am the strongest"

He stands in confidence. You were baffled over the fact that he said such a thing. Then again that is Gojo for you.

You suddenly started giggling which turned into laughs. Gojo looked confused while you reacted that way.

"I was hoping for a different reaction" he pouts.
"No, haha, you're just too much" while you were done laughing and wiping the tears away.

You look at Gojo and hold a smile—a genuine one.

"If that is what you want, thank you, Satoru. And thank you for telling me what I should hear"

Quiet hits the atmosphere. This precious moment is something that you will never forget.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Jujustu KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now