11 | Extended Family

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"I never expected that Narendra Rawat would misuse our trust," Kanchana spoke out feeling disappointed. "I should've been more careful," she mumbled to Vasistha as she came to Kanchana's office room. "Mom... What's there to apologise? You don't know he was wicked. If you knew, you wouldn't have signed that contract." Vasistha tried to console Kanchana.

"Do you think Dad will—" Vasistha whispered and before she could continue "No... He would not even say a word to me. He would smile by saying ‘It's ok I'll handle’ and that is what hurts me the most." Kanchana mumbled. That's when Myra entered the room in a hurry making a thud sound of the door where Vasistha and Kanchana gasped.

Vasistha bit her lower lip seeing Myra's cowboy's outfit "Dear Mom and Sister in law... It's a day off for you today.” Myra announced “And who gave you the authority to give a day off?” Vasistha questioned raising her brows with a smirk. “I'm the daughter of Agarwal company's president. Is there anything more than this needed?” Myra replied, wiggling her brows making Vasistha chuckle and raise her hands as if she was surrendering. “I'm kidnapping you both so I can go shopping without getting bored." She mimicked flipping her hair and acted in a funny way making Vasistha laugh out loud. 

Pouting at Vasistha for a second and showing her tongue "Mom, Vasistha Bhabhi come let me kidnap you..." She declared, making Kanchana sigh. "Mrs. Agarwal, why are you sulking? What's the matter?" Myra questioned mimicking a male voice.

Before Kanchana could open her mouth "Anyway I don't want to listen... Because for every sulking story, there is one remedy and that is shopping." She sang out loud in an unbearable voice where Kanchana closed her ears and Vasistha laughed more.

"Mom... Let's go. We have a charity event tonight." Vasistha pleaded and Kanchana nodded her head. 

Since the fiasco in the morning,  Vasistha ignored Roshan as if he wasn't present in the office. Roshan couldn't get time to make up with her as he was busy with meetings about foreign investments and all.

At 11 o'clock Myra, Kanchana, and Vasistha reached a fancy mall where Myra started to buy everything she saw “Myra buy only the stuff you need.” Kanchana warned. "Huh... I'm the daughter of one of the richest men in the world. If I don't buy unnecessary stuff then it will be shameful for Daddy." Myra declared, rolling her eyes.

"If you fail in the next semester then no one's gonna save you from me. Not your Dad or your brothers” Kanchana said, gritting her teeth where Myra showed her tongue. 

For the past two hours, Roshan has been sending WhatsApp messages…

Vasistha, please reply. I'm sorry…

I won't use that perfume ever again.

Please 😫

Seeing that emoji represented tiredness, frustration and sadness as well as affection. As if he just can't handle how this silent treatment from her is making him go crazy which made her chuckle. Not even for one message she replied and she liked it. She likes Roshan struggling for her attention. 

The cruel man she had witnessed today sent chills. She never knew this side was also there in him. ‘He's having a private army’ She couldn't digest this thing. And the thought of him almost killing Narendra Rawat with his bare hands made her throat dry. Surprisingly she felt sexy looking at his angry self.

A message popped into her phone making her come out with her thoughts. Licking her dry lips she checked her phone

Reply to me baby, please...

Seeing that ‘BABY’ instantly made her feel goosebumps all over her body. Though they both don't address each other with nicknames, he sometimes addresses her baby and makes her feel special. More Than anything, she instantly felt horny for him. Before marriage whenever she heard a couple calling each other baby, she used to feel weird. ‘But now look at me... Feeling horny.’ Vasistha thought to herself where a shy smile lingering on her lips.

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