23 | Flashes from Chaaya's past- 2

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A nurse came running. "Doctor! Doctor! That girl regained her consciousness," she said while panting. With that, all three of them went to the ICU room. Seeing her with an oxygen mask, and saline tubes attached to her wrists made Roshan's eyes teary.

"How are you doing, Chaaya?" Anitha asked with a weak smile on her face. She mouthed, "Good". "Nothing to worry about. You will be alright," Anitha said and left from there.

"What have you done to yourself, Chaaya? Where is my bubbly and tomboyish best friend?" Roshan asked while holding her hand in his, crying inconsolably. "I don't want to live, Rosh. I want to be with my Mom. She left me," Chaaya whispered while crying

"No. You have to live, Chaaya. You can't leave your Rosh like this. We both promised each other that we would stay with each other until death. Then how can you leave me?" Roshan said while caressing her forehead.

"I was left alone. Mom's sudden death, Dad's sudden disappearance and you..." She whispered with heavy tears flowing down her cheeks. Roshan was feeling guilty. If he had been there with her, she would not have been in this situation. They were crying.

"Ouch!" She whined, holding her head.

"Shhh... Don't cry. I promise I'll be there with you from now on. Even if we get married to other people, even if we both grow old," he said while kissing her forehead. "You take some rest. I'll be outside," he said and left the room.

Ramu was standing outside the room. He was amused by Roshan's maturity. Not even himself or Chaaya's father had shown such resilience and confidence when caring about Chaaya ever since her mother's demise.

"God bless you, Roshan," Ramu said while caressing Roshan's head. There were tears in his eyes. "Mr. Ramu, we need the signatures of Chaaya family members on these papers. I informed a few other doctors also. They are ready to treat her," Anitha said.

"Why don't you sign these papers? You are her Aunt. I don't know where Sachin Sir is," Ramu said. "No, I can't. I'm the one who treats her. So, according to the rules of this hospital, I can't do it," she said with a sad face.

"Why don't we call Dadi and ask her to come?" Roshan questioned. "That's a good idea," Ramu agreed and called Chaaya's Dadi, Parvati, and explained everything to her. "Oh God! Tridha died? Why didn't you tell me, Ramu?" She questioned while crying.

"I know... I know... I didn't agree when Sachin married Tridha and didn't accept Tridha as my daughter-in-law. That's why I left the city and have been living in my native village for the past 18 years. But that doesn't mean you won't tell me about my daughter-in-law's death and all the other things happening with my family." Parvati cried over the phone.

Ramu didn't know what to say to her. "How is Chaaya now?" She asked with a sad tone. "For now, she is fine. But to start the treatment, they need one of her family member's signatures. We don't have that much time to go and search for Sachin Sir in the bars of the city. So, please just come here. It's barely an hour-long journey from the village to the city," Ramu said.

"I fractured my leg three days back, Ramu. I'm barely able to walk. I can't come. Do one thing. You sign as her guardian. I'll come once I'm better," she said with a sad voice.

"Okay, I'll do that," Ramu said and cut the call. Soon, Ramu signed the papers. Anitha and a few other doctors started treating Chaaya.

One week passed and she was recovering well.

Anitha entered the room and found Roshan reading some storybook for Chaaya. "Chaaya, you are doing great. You are going to be discharged from the hospital today," she said while kissing her forehead.

Roshan came out of the room, leaving Chaaya alone where Ramu was preparing things for Chaaya's discharge. "You both should be careful. The medicines we are giving her are very powerful. She should not take drugs again. If she starts taking drugs, this time we will lose her. Also, try to distract her brain from thinking. Indulge her in other works so that she can forget about her Mom's death and not consume drugs," Anitha said to which both nodded their heads.

Four days passed since Chaaya was discharged from the hospital.

"Chaaya, until I secure admission to a university, I'm going to join swimming and badminton classes. Will you accompany me?" Roshan asked.

She chuckled. "Rosh, I know you are doing this to distract me. I am unfit at the moment but that doesn't mean I will forget that my childhood friend is a national champion in badminton and swimming." He felt embarrassed at being caught.

"Don't worry, Rosh. I'll join. Also, I applied for some classes in Western music," she said with a sad smile. "Thank you, Rosh, for taking care of me," she said while hugging him and crying.

"Shhh! Don't cry, Chaaya. Everything will be fine. Have you taken your medicines?" Roshan asked with tears in his eyes for which she nodded her head. "Chaaya, who is that person who gave you or supplied you with drugs?" Roshan asked while fisting his palms.

"Rosh, please leave it. Now I'm doing better. What is the use of knowing about that person? Leave it," she said with a sad face.

Chaaya's schedule had become very tight. She started attending yoga classes, swimming classes, singing classes and badminton coaching. Ramu was taking care of Chaaya. She was getting her normal self back.

Meanwhile, Ramu tried to figure out Sachin's whereabouts and found that he was suffering from 'severe depression dementia'. Ramu joined Sachin in the hospital for treatment. Sachin was also recovering.

Roshan couldn't come daily to look after Chaaya as he was busy handling Sachin's business and admissions to universities for his higher studies. But he made sure to call her twice daily to know about her everyday routine.

It had been 15 days since Chaaya started going to her classes. That day, at 8 p.m., Ramu called Roshan.

"Roshan, Chaaya..." he said in a panicked tone.

"What happened to Chaaya? Is she ok?" Roshan asked in one go.

"She hasn't returned home yet. Usually, she is back by 7 o'clock. But today it's almost 8 and she hasn't returned," he said in a crying tone.

"You don't worry. I'm coming," Roshan said and immediately left for Chaaya's house.

From there, he picked Ramu up and both started to search for Chaaya.

To be continued...

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