5 | Flashes From The Past (Part- 2)

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After reaching home, the moment they stepped into their home Hari slapped Vasistha hard making blood ooze from her lips "What was that behaviour with Mrs. Kanchana? Huh?" he shouted, making Vasistha grit her teeth out of anger where tears flowed from her eyes.

"Cause I don't want this marriage" she shouted back making her parents stare at her emotionless. "You are literally forcing me into this marriage. Why are you doing this to me? You said we are just going for a marriage proposal. But you got me engaged with that unknown bastard." With that, she earned another hard slap from her father. Blood started to ooze more from her lips and her cheek had his fingerprints.

"You dared to raise your voice after doing that shameless thing. You loved that scumbag and taking his side? We made a mistake in raising you. We loved you and gave you more freedom than required. That's why, today, you are raising your voice in front of me," Hari yelled at her in anger.

"Vasistha, just listen to me. If you want to see your parents alive, then just marry Roshan. Otherwise, go and live happily with that fucker after our deaths," Bhavya said as tears pooled in her Mom's eyes. With that, she couldn't say another word.

She ran to her room and tried calling Preetam many times but he didn't answer her calls even once. She threw away her mobile phone and cried. She continued weeping for a long time which made her unconscious. In the morning, Bhavya came to her room and panicked. Her parents called a doctor to home.

"Mr Tiwari, she is perfectly alright physically but her mental condition is really bad. She is getting worried mentally about something. If this continues, this might be fatal for her. Also slapping your daughter is not a good thing. Think about it. Make her understand through words that whatever she is doing is right or wrong. For now, I dressed her swelling cheek up and am giving her an injection. She will wake up in half an hour," the doctor said and left.

In the meantime, her phone started to beep. It was Preetam. Hari fisted his palm into a ball with rage and attended the call.

"Hello, Jaanu, I'm sorry. I couldn't pick up your calls yesterday night-" He was cut off by her father. "You bastard, stay away from my daughter. I know the real you. If you contact my daughter again, I'll involve the police. So, be careful, you motherfucker," he shouted at him and hung the call up without listening to Preetam.

Vasistha regained her consciousness after listening to her father's shouts. She sat up, placing a hand on her head as it was hurting a lot. Her father came towards her and started slapping her cheeks. "You insane girl, even after the discussion we had last night you still called that bastard." He is constantly slapping her.

"Hari, stop... stop... For God's sake, stop it. She will die if you slap her like this. After all, she is our daughter. Leave her. I'll talk to her. Please stop slapping her." Bhavya started crying and tried to stop him from slapping Vasistha

"I don't know what you will talk to her about. But she has to marry Roshan, that's it." He declared and left the room. All the while, Vasistha was crying. This time, her cheek got a cut and one of her teeth got damaged. Blood was oozing from her face.

Her mother brought the first aid box and dressed her wounds. "Vasistha, please, dear, I know it will be tough for you to forget him but you won't understand now why we are doing this to you. Once you come to know why we did this, you will realise that we made the right decision for you. Parents will never make the wrong decision for their children. Please, Vasistha. Try to understand. Once you get married to Roshan, you will lead a happy life. Don't take any step which will make your father kill you. Next time, I won't be able to stop him. So, let this marriage happen." her mom explained in fact, sweetly warned her and left the room leaving Vasistha alone to think.

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