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The moral right of the author (HaazCreations) has been asserted.

All rights reserved.

This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be
reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner,
without the written consent of the author, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

copyright © Haaz - ™ 2020

Not even a single scene from the story should be adopted. If the author finds anyone doing so...

Then as you all know how fucked up I'm... Just leaving the consequences to your imagination.

This story is only for the 18+ audience. Read at your own risk.

But... But... If you are reading then like, vote, share and comment on my story.

I'm the one who created every character of this story. I have full rights over this story.

This is my book I repeat my book and I have full rights to do anything with the storyline. So don't you dare to comment negatively about my story.

Don't like my book it's fine but being rude and belittling in my comment section will not be tolerated.

Any rude comment I see then immediately you will be blocked.

I'm warning you twice because this book contains mature content
and subjects that may be disturbing.

Back off now if this isn't what you want to read. But don't dare to do back bitching and 'FUCK OFF'.

You can't judge my character with the story I write. Also, who are you to judge my character? Just GO TO HELL if you are here to judge me...

In the name of 'Constructive Criticism' don't comment anything in the comment section about story and story plot. I fucking don't want your suggestions.

I don't like to warn again and again in future about above-said things. Try to remember. So other than these things you won't find any problem with my side.

See you all in my story comment section...

Ok then... Bye...

Peace out

~Haaz... 💝

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