26 | Chaaya is leaving

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Driving from Chaaya's house Ajith was in deep thought, and when he looked up towards the road, he realised that he was about to hit a girl. He immediately stopped my car by applying the brakes. Though he didn't hit her, due to the speed with which the vehicle moved towards her, she was frightened and dropped the bags which she was holding. She tightly shut her eyes and froze at her place like a statue due to fear.

{Read 'BORN TO BE YOURS' book 2 of #Yours series}

The entire night Chaaya cried. Until now she felt that she was not in love with Roshan. But she realised that she just wanted to have Roshan as her possession. She even neglected their pure friendship and tried to spoil his married life. Forgetting how he saved her life. He never crossed his limit once she was cured. All these thoughts created havoc inside of her.

Though Parvati made Chaaya understand her feelings, she felt bad for scolding her like that. She feared that Chaaya's health would worsen. She didn't want Chaaya to go back to being depressed. She wanted to go and console her. But at the same time, she wanted to give her some space to understand the real situation.

The next morning, Parvati woke up and immediately left for Chaaya's room, where she found Chaaya's face turned to the other side. She was talking on the phone with someone and was having a pleasant smile on her face.

Chaaya turned around and smiled upon seeing Parvati. Parvati was shocked to the core. She thought Chaaya would take a negative step. But here the situation was different.

She came out of her thoughts when she heard Chaaya say to the person on call, "Yeah, I need my passport and visa to be on time tomorrow. Thank you."

With that, Chaaya hung the call-up.

"Dadi, why are you standing there? Come inside." Hearing her Parvati entered the room.

Chaaya chuckled "Dadi, please change your 'I am shocked face'. You look so funny. Also, I know what you are thinking about." Parvati smiled. "Are you ok?" She asked and caressed Chaaya's hair.

"I'm perfectly fine, Dadi. Don't think I will take some idiotic steps like I did before. Last night, after a lot of thinking, I found myself. I'm thankful to you, Ramu Uncle, and most importantly, Roshan," Chaaya said with a pleasant smile on her face.

Parvati started crying. "I'm really happy. Since last night, I've been so worried about you. But now I'm a hundred per cent sure that you have realised who's the real you," she said, still crying and hugging Chaaya.

"I know, Dadi. For the past few years, I made you worry a lot. Isn't it?" Chaaya asked with a sad face. "Shh. The past is the past. We just have to leave it and move on." Parvati whispered, caressing Chaaya's head lovingly.

"By the way, why were you asking about your visa and passport?" Parvati questioned. "I'm leaving for Australia, Dadi," Chaaya confessed, making Parvati gasp. "Why? I mean, you are happy here with us-"

Chaaya cut her off. "I know, Dadi. I have everything here. Money, a luxurious life, and a supporting family. But I just wanted to spend some time only as 'Chaaya' just Chaaya... I want to get my space and time. I don't want Daddy's name and fame at least for some time. I think that has made me a stubborn, spoilt brat. I want to change myself, at least a little. I know it will be very tough but let me do this, Dadi. I want to leave the past behind and move on. For that, I need to do this. I don't know what I'll do there. I just want to go with the flow. Let's see where this leads me to. Don't worry. I'll be in touch with you and Daddy." When Chaaya concluded, Parvati was dumbfounded and couldn't say anything.

She felt happy that Chaaya wanted to give her a chance and was trying to change her life. "Be careful and stay safe. Just remember that whatever happens, we are there with you." Parvati couldn't say anything more than this. "I know Dadi." Chaaya hugged Parvati.

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