6 | Crazy Family

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She spent some time kissing his thighs, getting closer and closer to his hard-on. He could hear the kissing noises she was making which did affect him, making him groan. He let out a loud moan when she bit his thigh. Hearing that sent shivers all over her body.

"Oh... fuck" he shivered when she licked his length still caressing his thighs with her hands. He started breathing hard when she managed to take him into her mouth at once. She couldn't completely take him into her mouth as he had huge length and thickness making her gag. Smiling at her "It's ok take it in you slowly" he whispered puffing out for air. She again tenderly licked his length and kissed on top of it, making him suck his lower lip. Still caressing his thighs with her hands she began to take him into her mouth inch by inch.

Once she took him all over into her mouth she started to move her head up and down over him making him buck his hips in rhythm with her. As she swirled her tongue wildly around his length, drove him mad with desire as he moaned and groaned puffing the air. He was sweating and could feel it on his thighs, brushing against her face. She felt herself dripping wet looking at him like that. A hungry beast ready for his feast.

Pulling her over him into his lap by her shoulder he spit into his hand by rubbing it all over his length before pushing into her at once making her moan in pain. To ease her up he started to make her ride him. "I'm fine..." She whispered into his ear.

"Then do it..." he said, making her smile. As it was her first time, she was feeling too excited. she took his hands and placed them on her bosoms making him smile and started squeezing them. "I can never get over them" He whispered, making her bite her lower lip out of shyness.

She stopped riding him to take a bit of rest as she was panting hard but he thrust inside her faster as she fell on him due to ecstasy "I'm close... I can't wait." he groaned, making her moan out loud at his insane speed and the pleasure she's getting.

Still, in the same position, he gripped her waist with one hand and with another, he held her hair and started thrusting inside her. He traced his thumb over the sensitive part of her core, rubbing it as fast as he could making her ever wetter for him. He wasn't giving her time to even breathe. "I can't... I can't... give it to me" she moaned. The whole room was filled with moans and groans. Soon they both climaxed.

They both collapsed panting hard as their naked chests rose up and down. Once their breath settled they both laughed looking at their condition. "Let's get dressed, if not we'll end up doing it again," he said, chuckling, making her go all red. With that he got up from the bed mumbling "Where are my clothes?" and his gaze fell on Vasistha who was cocooned herself feeling all shy and her body turned red.

"Huh! Common Vasistha please..." he fake cried with a chuckle making her look at him and move her gaze away biting her lower lip with a shy smile "But why?" he questioned with a gasp. "You are standing naked-" Before she could continue "And what about when you went down on me when you rode me? Am I wearing a 3-piece suit then?" he said while laughing out loud.

With that moving to her and removing the quilt from her body, he made her stand in front of him. Taking her into a tight hug "You are still uncomfortable?" he questioned with concern. She propped her head up, placing her chin on his chest and looking into his eyes.

"You look delicious... Your tanned body, these abs, V line" She paused while dragging her finger all over his body lazily making him bite his lip to control his smile. "Seeing you naked makes me want you more..." she whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe where his face turned to shock "In that case I'm gonna dress up asap..." he said in a faking hurry making her chuckle. "You got some hell of an appetite bro..." he gasped "It's not a machine, it doesn't work 24/7 dude..." he fake cried with his head in his hands making her laugh out loud.

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