4 | Flashes From The Past (Part- 1)

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Though she slept immediately after entering the room. Midnight she woke up as she needed to use the washroom. Once she came out of the washroom wearing a bathrobe her gaze fell on Roshan who was in deep sleep with his mouth a little open where his naked chest moved up and down rhythmically. A sad smile crept on her lips where her thoughts wandered and took her to her past. Precisely three months back...

"Mom, Dad, why are you doing this to me?" Vasistha asked her parents while crying. "Stop it, Vasistha. You get it into your mind that you are not gonna marry that idiot Preetam. He is trapping you. He just wants to use you." Her father Hari tried to convince her.

"But, Dad, just once please talk to Preetam. You guys are mistaken. He is not that type of a person," she cried. "Vasistha!" Her father shouted at her. This was the first time in her life that her father was scolding her.

"This is final. We are going to see the guy whose profile your mom got from the matrimonial site. That's it. Just shut your mouth and get ready. I won't tell you the same thing again and again." With that, he left from there. Soon, Vasistha left for her room too, crying.

Vasistha's parents were not rich, just a normal, middle-class family. They raised their daughter just like other Indian parents embedding the fears, and suspicions in her upbringing.

One day Vasistha's parents got a call from Agarwal's mansion. At first, they thought it was Preetam who was trying to prank them. But later they realised it was a legit call from Agarwal's mansion as they got the bio-data of their elder son asking their daughter's hand for him "Roshan Agarwal 27 years old, Son of Gurucharan Agarwal. Studied at Harvard University. He is now the working CEO of Agarwal Industries Limited".

Her parents were on cloud nine and they immediately accepted the alliance. Even in their dreams, they can't find such a family and husband for their daughter. To protect her from Preetam they found this alliance perfect. As they are the most powerful family in the country no one can harm their daughter. Little bit they knew they created hatred for them in her daughter.

So, they were going to meet Agarwal at Roshan's place. At 4 p.m. A Rolls Royce Phantom was used to escort the Tiwari's to Agarwal's place. The whole mansion was spread over four acres and the main house was extremely huge. The driveway was long and it took a while before they reached the entrance. Guards were stationed everywhere and some of them held guns in their hands.

The door was opened for them. "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Tiwari," one of the guards said while bowing slightly. "Good evening," Vasistha's parents replied when Vasistha didn't care to do so. "Please follow me," a guy in his late 20s said, and they followed him through the big mansion.

"Welcome, Mr.& Mrs. Hari Tiwari. Please take your seats. Dharam, go and call Gurucharan." The lady in her late 50s ordered the guy who escorted them into the mansion. The lady looked so posh, elegant yet simple. She made sure the guests were served with snacks and juices. At the same time, Gurucharan came down.

"Welcome... Welcome. This is my wife Kanchana, my younger son Ajith and my only daughter Myra" Gurucharan introduced his family. and Taking a seat on the couch "It's my wife who liked your daughter. She was so adamant that if Roshan gets married then it will be only with your daughter" Gurucharan said with a chuckle making Kanchana smile shyly.

"It's our daughter's fortune to get into this family," Hari said with a happy smile where Vasistha felt like puking at how stupid her parents were behaving. "Ah, that's not fortune Mr. Tiwari. My son isn't a god and you shouldn't  make Vasistha feel like this." Gurucharan said, creasing his brows in a serious tone because he doesn't like if anyone takes girls for granted and thinks they were born just to get married and to give birth to children. Hearing that Hari and Bhavya's faces fell.

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