9 | I'm Vasistha's Husband

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Chaaya and Vasistha both turned to find Roshan standing there with an enthusiastic smile making Chaaya smile where Vasistha became more self-conscious. That's when he hugged Chaaya tight "Dude... What was that?" where Chaaya chuckled, hugging him back. "Just because I took a break for some time doesn't mean they get balls to sell my share," Chaaya mumbled, making him chuckle.

"They might not have guessed that the devil would get back much stronger," Roshan spoke out while caressing Chaaya's head lovingly. All the while Vasistha stood silent. She doesn't want to react to anything happening to her there.

First Chaaya's humiliation and now Roshan's ignorance. It was all new to her. Only she knew how much she needed Roshan's support today. 'Was this to make me the managing director or to humiliate me because of my behaviour after marriage?' Vasistha thought to herself where tears pricked in her eyes. She didn't want to be called a 'crybaby' by everyone present there so she tried to control the freshly formed tears.

That's when a known pair of hands curled around her shoulders making her look up to find Roshan with a lovely smile on his face. "See everyone knows how capable you are..." he exclaimed, making Vasistha gape at him. "Why would Chaaya support you if she doesn't understand your capability?" he continued, making a small smile appear on Vasistha's face.

"Isn't it Chaaya?" he questioned her with a smile making Chaaya nod her head. "More than anyone I know very well that you'll rock this. Even if you don't, that's ok... I didn't even make it in the first go. Even Chaaya failed in her first attempt. We all learn..." he said with a cheerful smile on his face, making her look at him and smile. Chaaya felt as if she was betrayed by Roshan for talking about her failures.

"I'm sure one day people here will call me Vasistha's husband..." he chimed with a chuckle, making Vasistha gasp, widening her eyes. "Why would you talk yourself low Roshan?" Chaaya intervened, and that's when she found anger in his eyes. Moving towards her "Because I wasn't taught to demean my best friend's wife..." he whispered so that only Chaaya and Vasistha could hear him gritting his teeth, making both of them gasp.

"Roshan... Please stop it..." Vasistha pleaded for him to leave with Vasistha. With that, they both reached his office room. Closing the door makes her gulp, as she's new to this side of him. He was always a poised gentleman as far as she knew. She sat on the couch where he stood turning to the other side. "Why didn't you say anything to Chaaya?" he questioned in such a tone, making her shiver out of anxiety. "I... What... She..." she mumbled.

"You stood silent, that means you accepted everything she said. Did you?" he questioned, turning towards her. "But she was true though-" Before she could continue he sat on his knees making her gasp. "Don't ever think like this. No one should judge you. In fact, you should never give them a chance to judge you. Not even me let alone Chaaya." he affirmed, making her gape at him.

"No one... No one should talk nonsense about my Vasistha. The managing director of Agarwal's limited." he proudly stated, making her blink her eyes out of nervousness. "If it wasn't Chaaya I would have killed her there..." he said with anger-filled eyes making her shiver. She felt intimidated whenever she looked at his anger-filled eyes.

"How I don't let anyone talk shit about my friends and family the same way I can't tolerate anyone talking about my life... My wife" he whispered, taking her teary face into his palms. Their gaze met and his hands caressed her cheeks. The masculine scent of him made her dizzy at that moment. His smile faded, replaced by an undeniable look of passion that awoke a wild longing within her to be comforted and cherished in his arms.

He lowered his lips to hers and caressed her lips with his kiss. Vasistha submitted herself to him. It wasn't a lustful kiss but a promise from him to stand by her through thick and thin. A few minutes into the kiss he rested his forehead against hers making a smile spread on her lips. "Thank you" She panted. "For believing in me," she whispered, kissing his cheek.

"I believe you more than yourself and trust you more than myself Vasistha" he whispered, still panting making her smile and she leaned and pecked his lips. His mobile phone rang making both of them move apart. Scratching his neck shyly he removes his phone out of his pocket to attend the call. All the while a shy smile appeared on Vasistha's face where she felt contended. "I have a meeting. Need to go... Bye." Saying so he left before pecking her lips making her go all red.


Vasistha started to go to meditation classes for her mental health and to control her emotions not for anyone but for herself. She wanted to prove to herself that she was strong and capable of doing anything. She doesn't want to care what and how people think about her. At least that's what Roshan tried to fill her mind which turned into a wise decision for herself. She's feeling more peaceful and relaxed these days.

As it's been a month since Vasistha joined as Managing director. Like the board members who thought her to be incapable of the post, even a few of the employees too thought the same. But now making them feel guilty about the thoughts, by taking some revolutionary steps in developing new businesses. Making everyone praise her except Gulzar. By now they all knew that she was capable of handling anything and everything. These murmurs reached Gurucharan making him feel proud of his decision.

Before she felt bad when people didn't trust her but now even when they praise her she takes it with a simple smile. She doesn't want to climb mountains when they praise her and make her self-esteem so low when they don't believe in her. She wanted to see satisfaction and pride on her family members' faces, especially on Gurucharan and Roshan's faces.

Due to all this Roshan and Vasistha's personal time shrinks making her feel bad. She sometimes wants to leave everything and run into his arms. At the end of the day, how strong they both present themselves, they want to feel solace in each other's arms, feel broken, cry and be vulnerable in each other's presence.

Everyone was waiting for Vasistha in the meeting hall for a presentation about entering into the construction business. Within a few minutes, she entered the meeting room and stood on the podium with confidence and grace, her eyes shining with enthusiasm and determination. She wore a plain orange silk saree paired with a sleeveless blouse that added a touch of vibrancy and elegance to her look. Her hair was neatly tied in a bun, revealing her flawless complexion and delicate features. She smiled warmly at the audience "Good morning ladies and gentlemen... Thanks for your patience." greeting them with a clear and pleasant voice.

With that, she started her speech "Though Agarwal's is a renowned company in the world, we are new to the construction business which means we are starting from scratch. Just like any other small start-up, we too must take up and start from small-budget contracts. Then only we will sustain..." She spoke with conviction and eloquence, sharing her vision and goals for the company.

She even answered questions with patience and professionalism, demonstrating her knowledge and expertise. She thanked everyone for their support and cooperation and ended her speech with a round of applause. Giving a simple smile, she concluded the meeting and when she entered her room she found pain in the ass for the company Narendra Rawat.

To be continued...


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𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎:- 𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒛.𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
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