10 | You Are A Beast

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As I'm editing/ rewriting the story I want to know the views of my readers.

As one can't vote again on chapters you vote I want my all readers to comment your views...

Added this new chapter... Please do vote and share your views.

"We are already done with the negotiations regarding the contract. Now what is this meeting for?" Narendra questioned feeling irritated when she walked in and sat in her chair. Vasistha pushed the files towards him with a smirk, watching his eyes roam over the contract, and his face lost colour. Pity, he thought she would never find out as he too thought like many that she is naive.

"You bloody cheater!" Narendra Rawat shouted. "Cheater?" She chuckled. "Turn to page ten, Mr. Rawat. You'll find a list of your misdemeanours. I have found everything about what you have been doing behind our backs. You thought you could escape by misusing Agarwal's trust?" She shouted, gritting her teeth in anger.

"This is all... bullshit. You're a... liar.... You can't accuse... me like this," he mumbled where fear of being caught was clearly evident in his voice. Getting up and gripping the file in his hand, tearing it apart "I don't accept this. You can't do this. You can't terminate the contract between us." he yelled with a dirty smirk dancing on his lips

Vasu raised her eyebrows as 'You are challenging me?' with a smirk dancing on her lips. She pushed another file in front of him. "I have thousands of hard copies and soft copies of this. How many do you want to tear or destroy?" She declared making him open his mouth but shut it immediately.

"It was not written in the contract that you provide products of inferior quality and earn profits from my company. And how did you expect that I wouldn't find it out?" He gaped with fear.

"Whatever! I have the original contract. In that, Kanchana Agarwal has signed on the paper that this company will not terminate the contract for the next 20 years," Mr. Rawat said in a cold voice trying to cover up his anxiety and fear.

"Oh is it! I dare you to check it out once again," she sounded challenging. Creasing his brows he immediately took the file into his hands and turned the pages faster. He was shocked

Gritting his teeth "You bitch-" A loud thud of opening the door and Roshan is entering the conference room from the main door. Loud enough to make them shiver in fear. Powerful enough to make Vasistha shocked.

Her jaws had most certainly dropped. She was shocked to see him in her office all of a sudden.

Seeing him after a week caused her to tear up, blinking her eyes not making teardrops slip she couldn't help but smile as Roshan walked into the room, buttoning up his blazer. It had been one week since Roshan was away from the country. He had gone on a business trip.

His green eyes were angry which made her dry lips lick controlling her anxiety. Because till now she understood what and how his anger will be. Before Narendra could open his mouth a punch landed on his jaw with such a force that he landed on the ground making vasistha gasp out loud and her PA to shiver out of fear.

Sitting to his level Roshan punched him more making his face bruise, where lower lip got cut oozing blood. "Roshan stop-" before Vasistha could continue he looked at her to dare him to talk. Which made her stand quite. Her PA ran into the washroom to puke looking at the blood. Panting out loud Roshan stood up after making Narendra Rawat unconscious in the pool of blood.

All the while Vasistha stood like a statue as she couldn't utter any word and her body shivering unknowing to her. Once Roshan was done few men came in and took Narendra's unconscious body out after Roshan declared "Deal with this bastard and clean this mess up. He has to be on the road begging."

With that he went into the washroom to wash his hands. Coming back he gave a sign to Vasistha's PA to go out of the room for which she ran out immediately. He sat on one of the chairs huffing, making Vasistha hand him a glass of water. After he calmed down he dragged Vasistha and made her sit in his lap. "What was that for?" Vasistha asked, caressing his hair.

"He called you bitch Vasistha and you expect me to sit silent?" he questioned making her sit silent. "I came directly from the airport to meet you. They said you were in the meeting with this bastard. So I asked the staff to switch on the CCTV footage of your room so that I can watch him." he said, making her gasp. "I knew he was a bastard but I didn't expect him to cheat on us." he continued, all the while she sat silent, sinking in what he was saying.

"You did a fabulous job 'Baby'. You made that bastard fear..." he chuckled devilishly. That baby did something in her stomach. It was the first time he called her baby, making goosebumps erupt all over her body. It was all new to her. She looked at Roshan as he looked so intimidating yet beautiful while biting her lip.

She shifted in his lap, clenching her thighs together. His eyes lowered to her legs, and a small smirk adorned his lips.

She was immediately pressed against his hard chest press where Roshan leaned forward as his lips brushed the shell of her ear making her moan and shiver. His hands had grabbed her waist and before he could kiss her she moved her head a little away making him pout "You looked like a beast..." she mumbled making him chuckle.

"Who are those men?" she questioned playing with her fingers. "My army..." he stated, making her widen her eyes out of shock. "What... Are you talking?" she questioned out of shock making him chuckle "You know nothing about me baby..." he said with a smirk before he kissed her lips which are trembling after newly found information.

Deepening the kiss, while running his palms down her body he spanked on her lower back lightly, earning another gasp from her. Moving her face away from him with a pout, curling her arms around his waist. "What are you? A Mafia leader? Doing illegal things?" she questioned innocently, blinking her eyelashes.

Smiling at her "No Vasistha... To be successful and get along with enemies we have to have such a private army." he stated tracing her neck. "Does Dad know about all this?" she questioned where he gripped her neck, making her take a deep breath before gasping out of shock. His eyes were filled with raw passion and dominance, and there was a fierce look of adoration in them.

"Dare you tell him and I'll spank your ass so hard that you won't be able to sit for months" he advised in such a tone to which she moaned. "You'll spank me?" she asked, making him nod his head looking into her eyes biting his lower lip.

"Do you think I'll sit quite? I too will spank you so hard..." she whispered near his lips innocently. "Aahh... Fuck... I'll be waiting." he said with a smirk licking her lower lip.

That's when she suspiciously bent down to his shirt and sniffed. "What happened?" he questioned, creasing his brows. "This perfume? You don't like lilies right? Already that's what you said when I gifted you one before you left for a business trip." she asked. "And this isn't what I was gifted too..." she said, creasing her brows.

Biting his lower controlling his laughter making her look at him sceptically "Ah... This is gifted by one of our foreign investors. She was so kind and was ready to invest in our project. So as a token of gratitude I used the scent gifted by her." he completed making her jaw drop. Fuming in anger she punched on his chest "Then go and make her sit in your lap to..." saying so she left the room making him laugh out loud.

To be continued...


𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 ☟︎︎︎

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