24 | Flashes from Chaaya's past- 3

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Ramu and Roshan started to search the path she used to return home daily. They couldn't find her anywhere. The only hope they had was to go and search for her in the music class.

On the way to her music class, they found her car. Soon, Roshan and Ramu hopped down from their car and reached her car to find it empty. They concluded that she must be close by. They started walking ahead while searching for her.

After a few minutes, they heard Chaaya's voice. She was shouting at someone. They started to walk in the direction of her shouts. Soon, they reached a backyard. The view in front of them shocked them both.

"Hemanth, please," Chaaya pleaded with him while crying.

"Chaaya... please... don't fight with me... please... I like you... Chaaya," Hemanth shouted and cried hard while trying to tear her bra.

Soon, Roshan ran towards them and pushed Hemanth, which made him fall. Roshan took his shirt off and covered Chaaya with it. She had nail marks all over her body and finger marks around her neck indicated that she had been choked.

Ramu took Chaaya in his embrace. Roshan started to hit Hemanth like a mad man.

"You bastard... Why... why... Did you do this to her?" Roshan demanded an answer from him.

Hemanth puked blood. "Please stop hitting him... Roshan please..." she cried, still hugging Ramu. Hemanth was Roshan and Chaaya's classmate. He used to be a friendly guy.

"I like Chaaya damn it..." Hemanth shouted back and pushed Roshan making him fall on the ground. As they both started to fight "Roshan please... Take me home... please... stop fighting..." Chaaya cried continuously making Ramu feel weird why would she still support Hemanth.

All the while, Chaaya was crying heavily. "Oh you like her so much that you tried to rape her?" Roshan hit Hemanth in his stomach, making him cry in pain. "And you Chaaya... you asking me to stop fighting?" Roshan shouted and resumed hitting him. "How dare you touch my Chaaya inappropriately-" before he could continue "Don't you dare to say 'Mine' to her Roshan" Hemanth shouted before hitting Roshan over his jaw making him puke blood.

Chaaya fainted in Ramu's arms "Chaaya..." Hemanth shouted and was about to run towards her when Roshan hit him hard making him fall over the ground "Dare you go near her..." saying so Roshan ran towards her. Ramu and Roshan took her home and called doctor Ankita to check up on her. Little did they know after Roshan's hard punch within seconds Hemanth too fainted.

When Ankita reached home she changed Chaaya's clothes and gave her some medicines to bring back her consciousness before applying antiseptic on her wounds.

An hour later Chaaya gained her consciousness making Roshan look at her defeated "You didn't tell me when I asked you who that guy was who supplied you with drugs. Isn't it Hemanth?" the first thing he spoke to her immediately after she got consciousness.

"Roshan please... don't make this hard for me... leave me alone please..." Chaaya cried, hugging Ankita, making Roshan bang her room door hard and leave from there.

It's been a week since Roshan talked or visited Chaaya. Though he's angry at her, he's busy handling Sachin's business along with his cousins. At lunch time "Do you know Roshan... recently I read somewhere that some people have sex to get over their past trauma" Pratap mumbled "Wow... for good or bad, only sex is the solution" Ishwar crisped, making everyone laugh out loud.

Roshan's parents were told that he and his cousins were doing part time jobs at Sachin's business for business expertise. "Bhai... Chaaya..." Venkat whispered. Leaving them alone his cousins left. A few minutes into silence "I... I'm sorry... Rosh-" before she could continue "please Chaaya. Don't make me feel more guilty. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have behaved like that the other day." Roshan apologised. "How's your health?" Roshan whispered, trying to control his tears.

"Why aren't you visiting me?" Chaaya questioned with teary eyes. "It's nothing to do with you Chaaya. It's just I'm busy these days with meetings and all." Roshan answered. "From now on I promise I'll call you daily. Ok?" Roshan suggested with a huge smile making her nod her head. "You didn't tell me how your health is?" Roshan questioned again.

"I don't know... just feeling exhausted staying at that house. That house is haunted, Roshan. It took my mom away from me." she cried. "Shh... it's nothing like that. We will do one thing..." he moved towards her "Be ready at 7 PM we'll go to the club tonight." Roshan said, side hugging her.


At 7 PM Roshan picked Chaaya and they both headed to the cocktail club. The party started and in no time she started to enjoy the party there. Chaaya was enjoying the party along with the other girls present there. At one point, Roshan noticed that she was laughing. It was the type of laugh that was sweet and good to hear.

She was laughing so freely, clutching her stomach as she leaned against a girl for support. She was wiping her tears that had come to her eyes because of all the laughing. She was trying to control herself but she failed miserably and laughed hard again.

She was beaming with happiness and looked cheerful while dancing freely. Not noticing the world around her. She looked different. The Chaaya he had known since childhood was like that. She was more of a tomboy, an extrovert.

He never saw her laugh like that in these past few months. Then he decided to do everything to make her smile. He wanted her to laugh. He wanted to keep her happy forever.

The DJ played a romantic song and the boys and girls started dancing.

"Will you dance with me, young lady?" Roshan asked with a beaming smile while forwarding his hand to Chaaya.
She giggled and immediately jumped over him. Soon the both started to swing their bodies according to the music.

The whole night they both drank, danced and laughed. Morning when Roshan woke up with a heavy headache due to the hangover. Rubbing his eyes and holding his head he opened his eyes making him gasp out of shock. He and Chaaya were in a compromising position that too in an unknown place.

In minutes Chaaya too woke up with a smile on her face "Roshan what happened? Why are you looking lost." she asked, hugging him from behind. Covering himself with a blanket "All this... I'm sor-" his voice rasped and he was on the verge of breakdown.

"I enjoyed it a lot, Rosh... it was fun last night. Thank God we both did it. I felt so comfortable with you. If it was anyone else I wouldn't have felt that comfort." She said with a happy smile making him gape at her with shock where a lone tear escapes from his right eye. "You were so good last night." she kissed his cheek before leaving to the washroom making him cry silently for the blunder he did.

To be continued...

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