7 | I Need To Be Respected

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Check out the character sketch I uploaded before this chapter. I'm sure you all like the characters 😊.


"Dad!" Vasistha knocked on the door making Gurucharan smile "Come in Vasistha." he invited her. "Gentleman as you all know this is daughter-in-law Vasistha," he announced proudly, making her nervous all of a sudden. "She will be the managing director for all the new companies we are going to start and I'm confident in her." he continued, sending chills and making her gasp.

"Sir board meeting-" before one of the accountants could continue "This company is mine. I have 60% shares of this company. Do you think anyone could talk against my decision?" Gurucharan roared, making everyone become and Vasistha just sat silently.

Only she knew how nervous she was. She knew her father-in-law was a great businessman but never saw that of him till today. On top of that his announcement of making her as a managing director did send shivers all over her body.

Her thoughts were broken when Gurucharan. "So gentleman, will you please wait for some time? I need to talk to my daughter-in-law," he announced, making her finger tremble. "Vasistha" he called, clearing his throat. "As you know we are growing our company into different sectors." he paused "Yes Dad" she whispered to which he nodded his head.

"We already have 29 listed companies under Agarwal's Limited. Which I, Kanchana, Roshan, Ajith and Dharam are managing," he said. "I want you to deal with all the new sectors we are entering into... I want you to be one of the managing directors of the company." he continued.

All the while Vasistha sat there numb. She couldn't process anything. She has never been trusted to do anything on her own. She wanted to start a construction startup company as she studied mechanical engineering, unlike many girls. She wanted to prove herself and be independent. But she never got a chance or to be precise she was never given a chance. And now her father-in-law is offering her to deal with the company! She had tears in her eyes.

Seeing her tears and sniffing Gurucharan panicked "Vasistha! I'm sorry if I hurt you. I should've asked you before informing you all this. I got to know from Roshan that you always wanted to start a company. So I thought-" hearing him she gasped.

"Roshan?" she questioned as more tears flowed from her eyes. "Yes... when we're planning to enter into new sectors we want a trusted person to deal with all the new companies. That's when he suggested your name in the board meeting." he concluded.

"I shouldn't have announced this all of a sudden to you. I should've let Roshan explain all this" Gurucharan said with a sad face. "I'm sorry-" before he could continue. "Dad... please don't say sorry," she said, hugging him. "It's just overwhelming to see how you people trust me," she said with tears. "Daughters-in-law are our family's pride, Vasistha. We not only trust but believe in your capabilities" he said with a smile, caressing her head lovingly.

"You don't have to say yes. Think about it. Say your answer-" Before he could continue "I'm ready Dad... I'll do this!" She said confidently, making him smile "I knew... I knew it... you are gonna rock this..." he said clapping his hands with enthusiasm making her chuckle, wiping her dry tear marks from her cheeks. "Get ready to become the managing director. We'll be having a formal board meeting tomorrow so that you take up the charges." he declared, kissing her forehead, making her smile.

"Now go and do preparations for your big day." Gurucharan hugged her and caressed her head before she left from there. Stepping out of the library, she ran into her room. The only thing she wanted to do was to see Roshan or at least talk to him. Tears formed in her eyes. 'He knew everything about me. He loved me and what did I do? How can I mistreat him for three fucking months?' she cried thinking.

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