13 | Safe Place

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With that Roshan picked Vasistha over his shoulder and took to the small but cosy bedroom. When he made her sit on the bed, Vasistha pressed herself forward to kiss Roshan as she couldn't take the sexual tension anymore. The kiss was returned in a tight hug and soon their lips met in a very passionate embrace. Their kissing was languid rather than frantic. It was a mutual desire so that they could enjoy each other to the fullest.

The pleasure in just stroking Roshan's lips with her lips produced an unrivalled erotic sensation for Vasistha. His mind focused solely on the delightful sensations he was receiving from his Vasistha.

As she licked his tongue he groaned and the next moment their tongues took turns exploring each other's mouths. Whenever Vasistha kissed Roshan, she couldn't help but marvel at how passionate he was about her. In kissing Vasistha, Roshan always felt stunned as he felt her lips were ever so much softer than before he had kissed her.

Her mind soon lost the realisation that they were in a forest precisely in a tree house. His mind went so far as to even lose consciousness of the fact that they both can be seen by the animals in the forest.

The kissing continued on an intense level, that prompted both of them to moan and groan uncontrollably. Whenever they momentarily parted their lips, opening their eyes to enforce eye contact exchanging passionate smiles before resuming to kiss.

Vasistha started caressing and pulling his hair, shoulders, and arms, and digging nails over his neck. As the passion kept building up, Roshan grunted, making Vasistha moan.

The moment he realised how passionate she was for him, it made him even harder. He could smell her becoming wet for him and she could sense his hardness for her. When his hand reached her thighs she hid her face in his chest as her moisture seeped onto the inside of her thighs. “Fuck!” in a lusty sultry he groaned, biting his lower lip.

Smiling at her cute yet innocent behaviour he took her face and started kissing as seemingly as he could not get enough of her. This time they took turns capturing each other's tongues with their lips and then sliding their lips along the captured tongue. This thrilling stimulation was exquisite such that it caused Vasistha to shiver and writhe.

In just a few moments, Vasistha climaxed and collapsed over him as she was feeling embarrassed to look at him “That was beautiful. You looked divine.” he whispered, biting her ear lobe, making her chuckle. “I didn't know my body could do that” she whispered with a chuckle, making him smile but she could see unending passion in his eyes for her.

"Lay down" his words came out as a groan making her look at him confused "Huh?" she sounded vague as her body still hadn't come from the high she had before a few moments ago. "I said lay down Vasistha," he ordered, making her shiver a little. She immediately lay down looking at him batting her eyelashes.

Coming over to her to peck on her lips "Do you think I'll raise my hand on you Vasistha?" he questioned looking into her eyes. "I... In sexual... Way... I heard people..." before she could stammer anymore "Never... Unless you are ready for it. At least not as punishment." he continued kissing her forehead.

"I'm no one to punish you. Don't ever agree if I say 'You need to get punished'. You aren't my pet or slave Vasistha." he said lying over her chest. 'So all this was to make me realise?' she thought to herself. "Yes... I want you to realise... Baby. You look cute when you talk out loud thinking you are talking to yourself" he said with a chuckle making goosebumps appear all over her body.

"In that case let me tell you one thing Roshan..." she announced, making him look at her keenly. "I don't need money. I only need you. Only you. As you asked before I would not leave you even if we lose everything. Because if you are with me I can live in a remote village without a penny in our pockets." she whispered with happy tears kissing his forehead. "Aww... My baby" he cooed before pecking on her lips.

"This blouse suited you so well. These two look so damn perfect" he whispered nuzzling his head over her chest where a moan escaped from her. She immediately gasped as he tore that blouse in one go making her breast jiggle "They should look perfect in my hands." he whispered, taking her boobs in his hands and jiggling them even more.

"It's just a fabric, Roshan... You got jealous because of the fabric?" she questioned, shocked. Giving a single big lick over her right bud and moaning out loud "Yummy!" he whispered. She felt herself being wet instantly. "Not only fabric even if a bee roams around you, I'll fucking feel jealous because You are mine... Only mine." he declared, making her look at him with her mouth open. She felt out of breath and horny suddenly hearing his confession.

The very next he started to suck her buds. Every time it's a new experience for her. Seeing him sucking her buds made her drip. His ocean green eyes, long beautiful lashes looking into her eyes, his two-day-old moustache and beard nuzzling around her buds is making her go crazy. "Aaahhh..." she cried out "Don't bite Roshan" she exclaimed pulling his hair.

Leaving her bud with a pop sound and keeping his chin in the middle of her breasts "They look delicious, taste delicious. These beautiful brown buds over your creamy breasts make me go crazy." he whispered when she opened her mouth a little to moan. "I became so crazy that yesterday I dreamt sucking these in my cabin bending you over while fucking you," he murmured pressing both breasts together and taking both buds into his mouth at a time.

"Oh God... I'll die with anticipation if you continue to describe like this..." she cried, making him leave her buds with a pop sound and taking them immediately into his mouth and pulling them with his teeth. "Roshan please..." she moaned in ecstasy, closing her eyes while pulling her hair with one right hand and digging her left-hand nails over his neck while pressing her thighs together so her wetness couldn't leak through her legs.

Leaving her buds "Open your eyes baby..." he whispered in a hoarse voice. The moment she opened her eyes she could see his swollen dark wet red lips. "You are more handsome than ever" she whispered, removing her hand from her hair. "And you look like a goddess as always," he whispered, moving down to her waist.

Licking over her navel and sucking the skin for a few moments all the while she could only let out a moan "Have you thought of piercing your navel?" He questioned making bubble sounds with her tummy where she gave a dry chuckle and nodded her head no. “Never!” he whispered in shock. “Never…” she replied, sending her fingers into his hair and moving them aside as they fell on his forehead.

"You wanted me to remove this. Right?" he asked, playing with the waist chain with his tongue where she nodded her head, biting her lower lip. The moment she nodded her head he opened the waist chain hook in one go looking into her eyes making her shiver and moan out loud.

"You like it baby?" he questioned tying it around his right wrist. "I love it. You look hot" she whispered. After talking and teasing each other they both slept peacefully.

That night the remaining barriers between them were gone. They became stronger. Even though they didn't make love they felt emotionally and physically satisfied in each other arms. Even before she realised her feelings for him immediately after their marriage, he always made her feel safe and calm. They became each other's safe place.

To be continued...

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