21 | Ajith wants to Propose Chaaya

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It has been 3 days since Roshan exiled himself. Though Vasistha was still feeling bad for Roshan as he had to take up all this because of her, one thing that brought a smile to her lips was his love for her. 'No one... not even my parents can love me as much as Roshan loves me' she chuckled. "What happened, Bhabhi? Everything alright?" Ajith inquired with a teasing smile. "Aren't you supposed to miss Bhai?" Myra questioned raising her brows with fake anger on her face. Though Myra is still feeling guilty for Vasistha's situation she doesn't want to show it and make it more difficult for her.

A rosy hue formed over Vasistha's cheeks "Why are you both teasing her early in the morning?" Kanchana playfully scolded Ajith and Myra. As all the family members were having breakfast. "Vasistha, till you join back the business, whenever you get time, we will both go to the badminton club. You'll have a partner there and you won't be feeling bored, sitting idle in the house." Gurucharan suggested where Vasistha smiled and nodded her head. "If you are at home then your mom will spoil you in the name of shopping by spending the hard-earned money," Gurucharan teased, winking playfully at Kanchana making her gasp.

"Oh, hello. This is my money too" Kanchana shouted, making Gurucharan raise his hands as if he surrendered himself to her. "Also, why are we earning money? Huh? I dare you to spoil my Vasistha's brain with your shitty badminton." She glared at him angrily. "And you get it in your mind that she is not gonna accompany you," Kanchana declared, making everyone chuckle. "Dare you to go with him," she added, looking at Vasistha who was laughing.

"Ok, guys... you all enjoy Mom and Dad fighting. I'm leaving" Ajith said, wiping his hands and completing his breakfast. "Gonna propose to Chaaya about my feelings." Vasistha heard Ajith whispering in Venkat's ears. Though Ajith is an introvert he is close to Venkat as they are both of the same age and close to each other since childhood. "For the past 3 days, she didn't answer my calls and didn't visit our house either." Ajith continued to whisper "Don't worry. She'll be alright. All the best." Venkat encouraged Ajith by patting his shoulder.


Dressed up in a sky blue shirt and white Jeans pants Ajith reached Chaaya's house only to find it being chaotic "Chaaya, open the door. Chaaya... Please for God Sake open the door...Chaaya..." Her grandmother Parvati said while banging on the door.
As there was no response from the other side "Chaaya... Please..." Parvati started crying.

It had been 3 days since Chaaya locked herself in her room. "Ramu... Ramu" she shouted at the house manager. Within seconds, he came running "Break this door," she said while crying. Parvati is frightened because for the past few months, Chaaya has been behaving weirdly and it increased over the past three days when she locked herself in her room. Parvati feared thinking Chaaya might be getting her teenage trauma back.

After many attempts, he finally broke the door open. There, Parvati and Ramu found Chaaya sitting in a corner of the room with her knees drawn up to her chest. The whole room was a mess. All the furniture in the room was smashed.

"Chaaya!" Parvati gasped, seeing her situation and in no time she ran towards her "Chaaya... What is this?" she asked while crying. "What happened to you? It's been 3 days since you locked yourself in here. With no food and no water. Why are you doing this to yourself? At least tell me what's your problem?" Parvati shouted while crying.

Ajith couldn't understand what was happening. So he stayed silent and was about to leave. He thought it was not the right time for him to intrude when their family was having some mental breakdown.

"Why Dadi... Why?" Ajith stopped on his way when he heard Chaaya shouting and crying. Panicking at her cries he moved towards her room to find Chaaya and her room in a mess.

"Why did he have to marry that bloody middle-class girl? Why can't he see my love for him? What is there in that bitch which I don't have? He used my body and when he got bored of it, he found that bitch. But I love him from the bottom of my heart, Dadi." Chaaya cried.

Her Dadi immediately realised that she was talking about Roshan. On the other hand, Ajith stood rooted and dumbfounded after hearing her words. He was confused about whom she was talking about.

"I won't leave that Vasistha. I'll destroy her. She is leading my life. I tried to fill her brain negatively about Roshan by telling her about Roshan's sexual preferences, but still, that shameless bitch didn't leave him. Bloody GOLD DIGGER!" She shouted.

Hearing her words, 'Bhai and Chaaya had a physical relationship? Did he cheat Chaaya? What the hell is happening?' The moment these thoughts popped into his mind, his brain and body stopped working. Sweat formed all over his body. Not even in his nightmare he thought he would hear such things.

"I will make sure to separate that bitch from Roshan and let him experience how it feels when we lose the person we love..." Before she could continue, Dadi slapped Chaaya hard, making Ajith shiver.

"Dare you say a single word against Roshan? What is this 'he used my body'? If not for him, you would have died at the age of 19. Do you know that? He is your life saviour. If he wanted to have a physical relationship, he could've gotten numerous girls who are more beautiful and sexier than you. What is this 'You love him' and all? Had he not saved you at that time, either you would have died or would have been in a rehabilitation centre. Our whole family should be grateful to him for saving you, idiot. Today you are talking shit about him and his wife, BLOODY DRUG ADDICT. You are so easily forgetting your past." Her Dadi shouted at her in one go as tears flowed from her eyes making Chaaya look at her in shock.

Chaaya had never seen her Dadi this angry ever before in her life. She loved Chaaya to no extent. She could go to any extent to fulfil Chaaya's wishes. But today, she raised her hand and slapped Chaaya, that too for Roshan and Vasistha.

Hearing Parvati, about Chaaya being addicted to drugs, about his brother and Chaaya having a physical relationship, Ajith felt as if his body would give up on him. His head started to spin.

On the other hand, from the moment she heard about Ajith going to propose to Chaaya her thoughts wandered over how and in what situations Roshan ended up having a physical relationship with Chaaya. 'Will Ajith be able to digest the fact? Will Roshan accept Ajith's love? How will Chaaya and Roshan face each other once she marries Ajith?' With these innumerable thoughts running in her mind, she heard someone knocking on her room door. "Come in"

"Bhabhi... Roshan asked to hand over this to you once he's gone." Ishwar handed her voice recorder, making her confused. The moment Ishwar left she switched on "You are listening to this means I made myself strong enough to let you know the reason behind my physical relationship with Chaaya. I can't tell you in person. I ain't that strong to see your face with hatred towards me after knowing the truth" A gasp left Vasistha's mouth.

To be continued...

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