22 | Flashes from Chaaya's past- 1

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1st of all don't ask me whether this could happen in real or not.

I too don't know whether this happens in real or not.

It's all out of my imagination. This story is fictional and nothing is real...

Don't ask me this is can't be true and this won't happen in real...

Read and enjoy... But don't comment 'How can this happen in real?'

So here you go... The Chapter 👇🏻

"I don't understand how you could forget your past and accuse Roshan?" Parvati shouted at her. Chaaya was gaping at her. All those memories were banging in her head. She was feeling like her head was going to explode soon. "If you have forgotten, then let me remind you," Pravati shouted with rage in her eyes.

On the other hand, Vasistha started listening to Roshan's voice message about Chaaya's past.

Flashback to 9 years back, When Roshan and Chaaya were 18 years old.

Roshan, Ajith and Myra came back from his Nani (Maternal grandmother) Kavita's home, completing their summer vacation of 2 months.

"Maa, I'm going to Chaaya's house," Roshan shouted while running into the house before giving a kiss on her cheek. Catching him through his shirt sleeve "Roshan, you have just come. Take some rest, have some snacks and visit her in the evening," Kanchana suggested, caressing his head with a chuckle.

Removing her hand from his hair "Don't spoil my hair Mom" he whined making Kanchana laugh. "I have to visit that idiot, Mom... She is not responding to my calls and messages," he said angrily. "That's ok. She too has a life other than being your friend. Just like how you went on vacation she too might have gone for one." Kanchana tried to make Roshan understand.

"I don't care..." Roshan hugged out of anger and ran towards the garage "Don't fight with her," Kanchana shouted while Roshan left for Chaaya's house. "Chaaya... Chaaya... Chaaya..." He shouted enthusiastically while entering the house. "Look Nani sent all these gifts for you," Roshan shouted trying to find Chaaya while carrying a bag full of gifts for her. "I know before leaving for Nani's house I didn't tell you. But for that, you are not supposed to punish me like this. Chaaya, please." Roshan whined as he couldn't find Chaaya anywhere in the house.

"Where are you? Come out and talk to me, bloody idiot," Roshan requested. Being a teenager he loses his cool fast "Ramu Uncle..." Before he could shout again, a guy in the late '40s came towards him. "Roshan Babu, what happened? Why are you shouting?" Ramu asked.

"Where is Chaaya? Where the hell is she?" Roshan asked in frustration. "I don't know... Maybe in her room? Since last night, I haven't seen her. She has been locking herself in her room. After Tridha Maam's death, this house lost everything," Ramu concluded while wiping his tears.

"What?" Roshan's body started to shake for a few seconds. "Tridha Aunty... died!" he mumbled as his body started to sweat unknowingly and tears started to flow from his eyes.

"Two months back. All of a sudden, Tridha ma'am started vomiting blood. Then Sachin Sir took her to the doctor and they said she was in the last stage of blood cancer. Within 2 days, she died in the hospital. Since then, Sachin Sir stopped coming home and Chaaya has been locking herself up in the room. She is not even eating properly," Ramu said in one go.

He became dumbfounded. The only thing his brain suggested was to go and check up on Chaaya. Wiping his tears and sweat, "Come, let's see what Chaaya is doing in her room," Roshan said and they both marched towards her room.

Before they could bang the door, the door itself swung open. Roshan sensed something fishy and when they entered the room, they found Chaaya lying unconscious on the ground.

"Chaaya!" Roshan shouted and panicked seeing her in that state. He ran towards her and placed her head in his lap. "Chaaya... Chaaya... Wake up... Please... Chaaya..." Roshan started crying. There was no use. Chaaya didn't regain consciousness. "Chaaya, you can't leave me. Please wake up." Roshan was crying while hugging her unconscious body.

"Ramu Uncle, call the doctor. Please. Oh, God! Her nose is bleeding. Chaaya..." Roshan panicked and was crying like anything. "Which doctor? There are many phone numbers of doctors here," Ramu asked while checking the phone book.

"Anitha... Anitha aunty... She is Chaaya's aunt and a general physician too, call her," Roshan said while lying Chaaya on the bed. In no time Ramu called Dr. Anitha and she arrived in no time "Well, we have to test her blood samples. I have to know why she is bleeding. For that, you have to admit her to the hospital," Anitha suggested making Ramu and Roshan admit Chaaya to the hospital.

"We have taken her blood samples and until then, to stop her bleeding from the nose, I gave her some medicines," Anitha concluded. It had been two hours since they had admitted Chaaya to the hospital. They were waiting for Anitha. A nurse came and informed Roshan and Ramu that Anitha was calling them into her cabin. With that, both went and were seated in front of Anitha.

"Ugh! I don't know what's happening to this family. First, Tridha Di, then Sachin Jiju, and now this girl..." Anitha with a sad face.

"Doctor, what happened to Chaaya?" Ramu asked with fear in his eyes. "Mr. Ramu, what are you doing at home? What were you doing when she was taking drugs continuously for the past two months?" Anitha shouted with tears in her eyes.

"What? Drugs? But how?" Ramu shouted out of shock and was dumbfounded and Roshan stilled in his place after hearing that Chaaya was taking drugs. "Yes, drugs. She has been taking cocaine for the last two months and last night, she probably overdosed. That's why she passed out. Bleeding from the nose is also due to that only," Anitha said while showing Chaaya's blood reports.

"I can't tell you about her condition yet. She is still in danger. She needs to be under observation at least for 32 hours," Anitha said. "I'll call a few other doctors to discuss her condition and treat her. But for this, we need permission from her family members," she sighed with teary eyes.

"Uncle, how is she getting drugs? Is she going somewhere to get them?" Roshan asked with tears in his eyes. "I don't know, Roshan. After Tridha's death, she has been locking herself up in the room. Once I tried to bring her out of the room and make her eat food but she tried to stab me with a knife. She said she didn't want to see anyone's face. Since then, I used to keep the food plate at the entrance to her room. I don't know when she used to eat. I tried to talk to Sachin Sir about her condition once but he said he didn't want to listen to anything. He wants to die too as he has nothing left in his life after Tirdha ma'am's death," Ramu said while crying.

"You could have called me, Ramu. After all, I'm her aunt," Anitha said, crying. "I tried ma'am but your phone was out of reach for an entire week. So, I thought you all are also in grief after Tridha ma'am's death," Ramu said. "Fuck! I went to camp in a village for a week. There was a network problem over there," Anitha said, weeping.

To be continued...

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