18 | Mistress

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After having lunch, Vasistha and Kanchana were planning to go shopping to change their mood. "Hello Aunty" Chaaya wished out loud making Kanchana walk towards her and hug her. "What happened to you? Why haven't you visited us till now?" Kanchana whined. "Ah, just some nonsense came into my life." Chaaya said, eying Vasistha with a dirty smirk dancing on her face. "Tell Roshan, he'll solve" Kanchana said with a proud smile.

"Ah... I can handle aunty." she stated waving her hands as if she's in full control of the situation. "Vasistha, you give company to Chaaya. I'll go and freshen up, so that we can go shopping." Kanchana suggested making Vasistha nod her head.

"Hey, Vasistha, why are you so shocked? Am I looking like a devil or what?" Chaaya asked with a chuckle before sitting on the couch in the hall area. "By the way, how's your health now?" Before Vasistha could answer "Poor Roshan married a woman who is mentally ill" Chaaya announced with a devilish smirk on her face making Vasistha first her palm out of anger.

That was it for Vasistha, her anger rose to no extent. She wanted to put a full stop to Chaaya's shit.

"Yes, you look like a devil whenever you talk shit like this. You don't get bothered about whom I'm talking to. Well, just remember one thing, Chaaya, it's disgusting as you always interfere in my life. You can say that you are my husband's best friend. But being his best friend doesn't give you the right to talk shit. If Roshan isn't bothered about my health conditions why should it bother you? Also, if you are here to enlighten me about my husband's sexual preferences, then let me tell you one thing Roshan and I are not in a relationship which is only for sexual pleasures. Like you two had. His preferences changed because I'm his wife, not his mistress. And we both have a lifetime to explore each other when it comes to sex. I don't need your bloody suggestions.

In general, people call a girl who is in such a type of relationship as MISTRESS. So, please, don't let people call you by that name. I know he is equally at fault. I can't blame you only. Having such a disgusting affair, that too with a childhood best friend. But he realised and concluded that relationship years ago. He has moved on, and yes, we both had some differences in the beginning. But we both surpassed it and now we are really happy in our lives. What's done is done. So, stop interfering in our married life. I'll be happy if you stay in your limits. Also, I don't mind you both being best friends. I wish you to move on in your life, find the love of your life and marry him. Who knows if he is already in love with you. Last but not least, I know that you are just trying to make me feel jealous, which is not gonna happen. What reason should I feel jealous of? You just get it in your mind that Roshan never loved you, he just fucked you. Hope I didn't waste your precious time." Vasistha concluded with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Also, just stick to the work for which you came here. If you came here to just make me feel jealous, then you may leave the house. I don't have any problem." Vasistha said while maintaining a poised smile on her face.

Chaaya was shocked. She never expected the naive Vasistha to say these many things to her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks continuously.

'Was I MISTRESS to Roshan in the past?' With the thought itself, she started sobbing. She ran out of the house. "Where is Chaaya?" Kanchana asked while coming out of her room. "She left!" Vasistha said, shrugging her shoulders. "She behaves crazy sometimes. Come let's go." with that Kanchana and Vasistha left for shopping.


Though Vasistha said all those things to Chaaya, she was a little frightened about how Roshan would react after knowing the truth. After having dinner as Roshan left for the library to do some office work, Vasistha followed him. By knocking on the door "Are you free? Can we talk?" Vasistha requested. Looking at her face he understood something was wrong. Keeping the files aside, he signals her to come inside and sit on his lap.

"Now tell me what's the matter? Why are you awake this late?" he asked, caressing her back lovingly.

"I didn't want to say all those things to her but she made me say all that. I know she is very important in your life but the way she behaved... I didn't like it... That's why I spat all those things," Vasistha whispered in one go while playing with her fingers.

"Ok! Can you be precise? To whom you said things? Now tell me. What happened? Whom are you talking about?" He asked, looking sceptical at her face. "Chaaya," Vasistha whispered.

Hearing her name, his body stiffened "Did she say something to you?" He asked. Sensing his stiffened body "No. In fact, I said a lot of things to her." She replied immediately and tried to explain everything that happened in the afternoon.

"I'm sorry. I was so angry because of her previous behaviour. So, I said all those things. I don't want you to know about this through her. I'm sorry." She mumbled. She bent her head out of fear of how Roshan would react.

Taking a deep sigh Roshan took her face into his palms and by making her look into his eyes "Vasistha, you said what you felt. I agree she is my best friend. But you are my wife. You are the one who has full rights over my life. I felt a little bad because you said all those things to her. But I'm proud of you too. You took a stand for yourself. She doesn't have the right to interfere in our personal space.

In Fact I wanted to talk to Chaaya about her behaviour at our office. But I couldn't as it became quite hectic for me to talk to her. I know you. I can guess how she behaved after knowing your impulsive outrage." He said caressing her cheeks and kissing her forehead. A few minutes into silence "Please, don't take her the wrong way. She is a little possessive about me. We grew up together. So, she feels weird sharing me with you. She doesn't know how to differentiate her feelings." He stated making Vasistha gape at him. "But-"

"Don't think I'm taking her side. She will always be my best friend and you'll be my life partner. You are the only person I love. The thing is, she is a child at heart and a pure soul. She suffered a lot in her childhood, Vasistha. That's why she behaves weird sometimes. I truly want her to move on in her life and lead a happy life," Roshan concluded and Vasistha could sense pain as evident in his voice.

Composing himself "Now go to sleep. I'll join you in a few minutes. Just a few emails and I'll be done for today." he said with a pale smile. Nodding her head she leaves the library. 'Chaaya has suffered a lot in her childhood' Roshan's words were running around in her thoughts. 'What made her suffer so much that she was feeling possessive towards her friend even after he got married?'

With these thoughts, she didn't know when sleep engulfed her.

To be continued...

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