19 | Away From Home

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The moment Vasistha left "I'm sorry I lied to you, Vasistha. I'm doing this only for your safety. I love you more than anything. To save you, I can go to any extent. Even if it means being away from you," he mumbled to himself where his thoughts ran towards past few incidents...

The day after we both fought when Chaaya talked about our relationship with Vasistha, when I reached the office Tara handed me a parcel saying that the postman gave this. On top of it 'Personal - A small gift to Roshan' was printed.

When I opened it I was shocked. The immediate thought I had was, 'My Vasistha ... how can she cheat on me? She confessed her feelings to me 2 days back. How can she do this to me? Is she playing with my feelings? Am I a joke to her?'

Those were the nudes of Vasistha having sex with a person. I couldn't see that person's face. My anger rose to peek and I just wanted to kill Vasistha. Tears were flowing from my eyes.

'Is this what she gave me in return for my love?'

When I took out all those photos from the envelope, I found there were 5 photos. When I saw the rest of the pics, I was more shocked than before.

'How can this be possible?' I saw that person was no one other than Preetam. 'Preetam is in jail.' At that time he was still in jail. There is no possibility of him escaping. If I assume these photos are from before our marriage, then these pics are fake because Vasistha was a virgin the day we both made love for the first time.'

That means all these photos were...

With that, I called one of my friends who works in the forensics department and asked him to come and meet me in my office. He came within an hour. I showed him the photos.

"Oh... God... What the hell? Isn't she, your wife? Who's that guy she is having sex with?" He asked in a panicked tone. Shock and frustration were evident on his face.

"Kunal, calm down..." I explained everything from the beginning, starting with Vasistha and Preetam's love story, our marriage, Vasistha getting kidnapped, and that bastard getting arrested. "I'm 100% sure that these pics are fake. I just wanted to confirm. That's why I called you," I told him.

He sighed. "I'll tell you whether these photos are fake or not by evening," he said while leaving my cabin.

Then I stopped him. "Please make sure you keep it confidential. It's about my wife's character," I said to which he nodded his head left.

It was already evening. I was praying to God that those pics were fake. I couldn't concentrate on my work. The images of Vasistha being naked with that bastard were disturbing me. I knew I should not have thought like that. I should not have doubted Vasistha's character. I knew she did not love him anymore and confessed her love for me. I was fighting with myself. My inner self was scolding me for doubting her. But my mind was asking to clear things.

My chain of thoughts broke when my phone started ringing. It was from Kunal. My hands were shivering, my heart was beating at full speed. I picked his call, mentally praying to God.

"Hello, Kunal."

"Hello, Roshan. The pics you gave me are fake. They were AI generated. Sorry, I thought wrongly about your wife's character." Upon hearing those words from him, I didn't know why but my eyes betrayed me and tears started flowing.

"It's okay, Kunal. I understand. Don't be sorry." I whispered trying to control my tears

"I think you should make sure to remove your wedding pics or any other unofficial photos taken by paparazzi from all media channels, social media sites. The person who did this must be a professional in graphics. It took 3 hours for us to conclude the results." Kunal concluded.

"Yeah, okay... I'll make sure of that. What about those pics?" I questioned. I can't keep Vasistha's dignity at stake.

"Don't worry about those pics. I tried to find if there are any websites or social media apps where they got any photos of her like this. But thankfully no. I think this was to distract you and spoil your relationship with Vasistha." He doubted. I could hear nothing, the only thing I was feeling was guilt. Guilty of doubting my Vasistha. "Be careful. Also, contact me whenever you need me. Don't hesitate. I'm always there to support you." He concluded before ending the call.

'Will she forgive me if she comes to know that I doubted her character? I can't forgive myself, though.' This was the only thought running through my brain constantly. And after that I increased the security for the whole family and strictly sent a warning from Agarwal's limited to all the media houses not to send any paparazzi.

This evening when I returned home I saw an envelope in the name of mom and dad. I don't know why my instincts said something is wrong about it. 'Personal - A small gift to Gurucharan and Kanchana Agarwal'. So without anyone's notice I hid it in my pocket. After dinner as I came to the library and opened the envelope, my instincts were right. It's Vasistha's pictures only but I sighed in relief and thanked God, for this time, these pics were not nudes, but were from the time Vasistha and Preetam used to date.

There was nothing offensive in those pics but a letter was also there in the envelope along with the pics. When I opened it, there was a story printed about Vasistha and Preetam. In the end, it was printed, 'This is the real face of your daughter-in-law'.

"Bhai" Roshan's thoughts broke when one of his cousins called him. With a sigh he opened his eyes. His cousins were not only the security personnel for the family but also legal advisors and backbone to Roshan from their teenage years including Ajith, Tara and all his cousins were assembled in the library to discuss the things happening around Vasistha.

"Bhai... as you know we couldn't find the details of the girl who helped Preetam in getting bail, and coming to Preetam he's absconding since he got out of jail." Ishwar announced for which Roshan sighed and nodded his head. "I think we have an idea. It might be dangerous but we have no other way to stop this nonsense." Pratap stated making Roshan look at him with curiosity.

"For some time, why don't you leave the family?" Venkat, his other cousin, whispered, not sure how Roshan would react. "Do you think this will work?" Roshan asked with a sigh wiping his face feeling defeated. Roshan never in his life felt helpless. Not even when he took care of Chaaya's father's company as a teenager, when he was in crisis after his wife's death. And his reaction made his cousins understand his situation.

"Bhai... just go away from here. I mean stay away from us, from the family. It will help the predators get curious about your next step." Ishwar suggested. "And taking it as an advantage if they try to harm Vasistha Ma'am, it will be easy for us to catch them with our high security personnel" Tara concluded. "And I'll be more cautious about Vasistha Bhabhi's security as we are going to increase her security more." Ishwar announced, making Roshan nod his head.

"Where do you want me to go? For how many days?" Roshan asked. "Let that be kept a secret only to yourself Bhai. We too shouldn't know where you will be going. And coming to how many days you'll get the daily updates through a messenger. Then you can estimate how many days." Ajith suggested. "If possible I think you go into exile starting tomorrow." Tara stated making Roshan nod his head.

Standing from his chair "Let's catch those bastards." Roshan fisted his palm into the air, making all of them hoot along with him. After bidding them goodnight Roshan entered their room at 2 am to see Vasistha sleeping wearing one of his shirts peacefully.

Laying beside her and caressing her head loving "I'm daily asking for forgiveness, albeit mentally, for doubting your character after seeing those nude pics. I hope all this chaos ends soon and fate again lets us be together, this time, without any gear of separation," he whispers to himself and wiped the tears which were about to fall from his eyes. Though he was not physically exhausted, mental exhaustion was more than physical. He didn't know when sleep engulfed him.

To be continued...

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