20 | Good Bye

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Roshan rubbed his eyes and with great difficulty he opened his eyes only to see Vasistha silently crying turning to the otherside of the bed. At first he thought it might be his dream, but when he heard her sniffing it got confirmed that she was crying. Immediately he got up and hugged her tight "Baby... What happened? Why are you crying?" Roshan inquired with concern.

Being embraced in his arms she broke out even more "I'm sorry... Roshan... it's all because of me..." Vasistha cried hysterically, making Roshan panicked thinking she might have gotten a panic attack "Nothing will happen to you. I'm here to protect you-" before he could continue "You are leaving your family and going away?" She asked with teary eyes lifting her head from his chest making him gasp out loud.

"Vasistha... that's... Nothing" Roshan mumbled "You were talking in your sleep. Please don't do this. I don't deserve all this. I can't forgive myself if anything happens to you in this process." she cried even more hugging him tight, piercing her nails into his skin.

Taking her face into his palms and wiping her tears "Do you trust me? Do you believe in me?" he asked looking directly into her eyes "More than myself." she whispered. Smiling at her response "Trust me... when I come back... we'll be happy forever. There will be no going back into the past." he said, making her sniff by nodding her head.

"Promise me that you'll be strong while I'm away from you. Always remember trauma teaches us that healing is not about forgetting it's about embracing our scars and using them as reminders of our strength and resilience" he concluded, caressing her cheeks lovingly.

Vasistha nodded "I promise" she whispered and their eyes met, a silent conversation of longing as they drew closer in the dimly lit room. The world around them faded into obscurity, leaving only the sound of their synchronised heartbeats. With a gentle hand, he cupped her face, tilting it upwards as their breaths mingled in the space between them.

And then, their lips met in a passionate kiss, a crescendo of all the unspoken words and pent-up emotions. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a dance of love that had been choreographed in their dreams for the past few days. Their lips moved in harmony, exploring the depth of their feelings, each kiss a stroke of passion painting their love story.

The intensity of the kiss deepened, a testament to the magnetic pull they felt towards each other. It was as if they were trying to memorize the feel of one another, to capture this moment and lock it away for eternity. In that kiss, they found an escape, a momentary relief from the chaos happening around them, as if a sanctuary built for two.

As they finally parted breathless and flushed, the echo of their passion lingered in the air, a sweet melody that would resonate in their memories forever.

With hooded eyes she started placing wet kisses all over his neck, causing a groan to escape his throat. The moment she sucked his right earlobe, his body shivered. As she was leaving a trail of feather-like kisses that were sending tingling sensations into his stomach. He caught her shoulders to move her a little away from him, making her look at him with pain filled eyes thinking he's rejecting her "You sure?" he rasped, making her just nod her head. "I want to feel you all over my body. Till we meet again..." she whispered.

Placing his hand on the back of her neck, he pulled her to him in urgency before pressing his lips against hers. A moan escaped from her and parted her lips to allow him to access the deepest of her mouth

Her back arched involuntarily as they fought with the feelings building rapidly inside them. Gasping for air she surrendered herself as his mouth dominated hers. Their lips fought an erotic battle. The spiced scent of his cologne overwhelmed her senses causing her to squirm and shiver under his touch.

His fingers travelled across her chest and breasts, tormenting her making her nipples grow harder. "Vasistha", he whispered, "Say my name" he commanded, making her look like a prey. "Roshan..." she mumbled, batting her eyelids. With a heartfelt smile he attached his forehead with hers. Kissing her teary eyes "You asked for it... and I'm not going back..." he whispered.

Within seconds she found herself on her back, as she felt pressure on her low back and gasped as his fingers encircled her neck. "Oh my little kitten" he breathed into her ear. That night it wasn't just sex. Their love grew a step further. Their trust for each other's promise grew even more.

They both danced upon the gentle ripples of the creek, they shared memories of laughter and tears, of silent whispers and loud declarations, all the moments that had woven the tapestry of their love. Roshan and Vasistha, with hands entwined gasping for breath, their hearts heavy with the weight of an impending separation.

The fact that Roshan was leaving for a distant and unknown land, still didn't settle well with Vasistha. He knew that a day like this would come, yet nothing could prepare him for the final goodbye.

As the bird's crisp sound fell in their ears, Vasistha's heart sank. Giving a pale smile to her he got freshened and dressed. With a deep breath, Roshan stepped closer towards her, his eyes reflecting the pain of farewell. Vasistha, with a brave smile masking her sorrow, reached up to touch his cheek. Their lips met in a kiss that was a delicate fusion of all their yesterdays, a silent promise for a hopeful tomorrow.

The separation kiss was tender, a bittersweet symphony of love and loss. It spoke of their deep connection, a love that would endure the bounds of time and distance. And as they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, he knew this was not an end, but a different kind of beginning.

With one last embrace, they parted, their kiss lingering like the soft afterglow of the sun, a memory etched in time, a testament to a love that would remain, unyielding, waiting for the day when their paths would cross again.

To be continued...

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