25 | Flashes from Chaaya's past- 4

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Though Chaaya didn't bother much about their intimacy, Roshan started to die from inside. He was feeling guilty of spoiling her life under the effect of booze. 'I shouldn't have done this to her. What's the difference between me and Hemanth? I spoiled Chaaya's life. I shouldn't be considered a human being. I took advantage of my best friend.' he used to cry thinking to himself in his bathroom making him go into depression.

One day when he took Chaaya for a general checkup he took an appointment with a psychiatrist to know why didn't Chaaya wasn't saying anything bad to him. "See Roshan... you are a young guy and you have no experience about life. We can't guess how the other person is feeling especially those who are suffering with trauma. Not everyone needs therapy from doctors. Some people and their bodies find their own ways to get out of trauma on their own. There are different ways. Some go for meditation, some go for long drives and some use their bodies to get over the trauma like Chaaya. We can't judge anyone. There is no well solved theory to cure people from trauma." The doctor tried to make Roshan understand.

"But having sex?" Roshan still couldn't understand why Chaaya chose that way. "You are thinking of it as sex but for her brain and body it's like escaping from everything. While having sex she might feel she is in control of her life." he answered, making Roshan dive deep into thoughts. He still isn't convinced. "I know it's tough for you to understand or accept the truth but if you want Chaaya to recover from this you need to help her." Doctor suggested making Roshan nod his head with tears in his.

Every Time he had sex with Chaaya he died inside. No one knew about their physical relationship. No one knew how he was trying to act mature, he was still an 18 year old teenager. He wanted to see her happy like before. In this meantime as he couldn't take the guilty of having sex with her he tried to commit suicide but stopped himself and dropped the idea cause he wanted to live for Chaaya and her happiness.

It's been 2 months and Anitha noticed a drastic change in Chaaya's health. Sachin also recovered and soon took over the business which was getting handled by Roshan. He also transferred 50% of his company's shares to Roshan.

Chaaya started smiling again. Sachin started spending time with her like before. They were almost becoming normal after almost 6 months. Then one day, Parvati visited them. "Are you happy, Maa?" Sachin asked sarcastically.

"Sachin..." She gasped. "I never wanted Tridha to die and you people to suffer. I was angry with you as you married her against my wishes. But I always wanted you people to be happy," she continued while crying.

With a heavy heart Sachin hugged Parvati "It's okay, Maa. Whatever has to happen, has happened. We can't change anything," Sachin tried to console Parvati with tears in eyes for Tridha. But he didn't want his weakness to take over him. He wanted to be healthy for Chaaya. He wanted to be by Chaaya till his death as he promised Tridha on her deathbed.

Soon, Parvati and Chaaya gelled very easily. She got her mother's love from Parvati. She used to take utmost care of Chaaya, after all. One day Chaaya, Parvati along with Roshan visited Anitha's hospital for Chaaya's general check-up. "You are completely healed, Chaaya. No need to use these medicines anymore," she said.

Anitha hugged Chaaya and kissed her forehead lovingly. "You'll always have my strong support. Whenever you need any support please call me, talk to me. I'm like your mother." Anitha said with teary eyes making Chaaya hug her back tight. Chaaya and Parvati left and were waiting for Roshan in the car as he was still in the hospital.

Anitha found Roshan in a psychiatrist's chamber. While he was getting treated for depression. Anitha gasped after overhearing Roshan's story. She always suspected what made Chaaya recover sooner. A lone tear escapes from Anitha's eyes for Roshan's condition. Nobody knew that he was attending sessions with a psychiatrist as he was in depression. His depression started when he started his 'no strings attached' with Chaaya.

"I can't do this anymore, Doctor. I'm dying from within. I'm fucking my childhood friend with whom I grew up," Roshan cried. "I know how difficult it is for you. But only because of you, Chaaya is alive today. Don't think you committed a sin. Just think that you are a doctor and are treating the patient who is on her deathbed," The doctor tried to console him.

"As I inquired with Doctor Anitha, Chaaya is better now and off medicines... not all of sudden but try to distance yourself from Chaaya. Don't let her know you are distancing yourself from her." The doctor and Roshan talked for sometime and when Roshan came out of the doctor's chamber he found Anitha there with a teary face making him gasp out of shock.

Roshan thought she might do something horrible after knowing the truth. But she came and patted Roshan's head. "I'm proud of you. No one would dare take a step as you did. You supported her when her family members were not by her side. I'm ashamed of myself as I couldn't be there for Chaaya when she needed me the most. You had no option other than what you did. So, don't think low of yourself," she said and kissed his forehead.

Roshan hugged Anitha and cried his heart out. "You are such a brave boy. Your parents are lucky to have a son like you." Anitha said while caressing his head. Wiping his tears "Go... drop Chaaya at home" she suggested making him wipe his face and make himself presentable.

After a few days Anitha explained everything to Parvati. She didn't understood whether she should feel happy that her granddaughter is alive or feel sad that she has to go through all of this. Parvati suggested to Sachin to involve Chaaya in his business. So that she can learn about business. With the help of Anitha, Parvati helped Roshan in getting away from Chaaya without letting Chaaya realise anything.

She also didn't pay that much attention as she became busy with her father's business. She moulded into stronger, heartless and ruthless when coming to business. On her 19th birthday Gurucharan gifted 20% shares in his business as a birthday gift to Chaaya. He wanted her to be part of his business as she excelled in the business field very quickly. Roshan got admission in HARVARD UNIVERSITY and left for the USA for his higher studies.

So, now tell me, Chaaya. Do you still think that Roshan just used your body? If not for him, this house would have become a graveyard. He kept his mental health at stake to make you a person again. So, better not talk nonsense about him. If not, I just slapped you this time. Next time I'll fucking kill you," Parvati shouted seething in anger at Chaaya and left the room closing the door with a thud.

Ajith couldn't comprehend anything anymore after he heard about his brother's physical relation with Chaaya. More importantly he was dumb after knowing what she had gone through. He always wondered why she would behave so carelessly, ruthless and self obsessed. After all that's what attracted him towards her. But knowing the truth, a shiver ran through his body . His whole body became numb. He doesn't know how and what to talk anymore with her. Without meeting her he left her house.

Here Vasistha too completed hearing the voice message from Roshan. She doesn't know what and how to react. All these days she misunderstood about Chaaya's behaviour and attitude. 'Her past has made her like this' Vasistha thought to herself. Though Roshan vaguely told Vasistha about his physical relationship with Chaaya she never once thought that Roshan had suffered with it. She always thought being teenagers they enjoyed and explored life.

She felt like hugging him and wanted to tell him 'She's proud of him. And would never think of leaving him and not to feel guilty about anything with her' but he's not there. Not there beside her. Not there to make her laugh, to hug her, to console her. A lone tear escapes from her eyes.

To be continued...

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