Chapter 1: Horror Movie

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Xuan heard his doorbell ring. Running to the door, he found Li, standing and smiling. He was accompanied by Mona, Q, and Lewis, three of his other friends. Li held a bag of popcorn, while Lewis held two large bottles of soda, and Mona held bags of candy.

"Hey, welcome!" Xuan said as he ushered them in.

"Let's get this party started!" Q yelled, flopping onto the couch. Q wasn't Xian's favorite person, but he always knew the best movies and he was always fun to pull pranks with.

"Wait, I'm still waiting for someone else." Xuan checked the time, "She said she'd be here soon."

"Who? Your girlfriend?" Mona asked.

"J-just a friend." Xuan affirmed.

"Then why are your cheeks red?"

"Aw, don't make him embarrassed," Li gave Xuan's back a pat.

There was a soft knock at the door. Xuan practically jumped out of his seat and opened the door.

Yuuhime stood there, holding three buckets of matcha ice cream.

"Sorry I'm a little late." Yuuhime held out one bucket, "I had to bring these for everyone."

"You could have called me, these are massive!" Xuan said, and took the bucket.

"I'm fine, I have plenty of hands." She said.

Xuan let her in awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond to that; she had 14 arms after all—They were usually just hidden.

Yuuhime placed the ice cream on his counter, along with the popcorn and soda.

"I have a bunch of movies we can chose from," Xuan started to click through the menus of his tv, to his movies.

"Sweet! Let's start with Teeth!" Mona cheered.

"We watch that movie every time," Lewis groaned, "Let's watch The Luigi Movie instead."

"Let's vote!" Xuan held his hand high, "I'm down for The Luigi Movie!"

"I wanna watch something enjoyable, not some kids movie." Li retorted.

"I agree, let's watch Teeth." Q said.

Yuuhime sat still, wondering what either of those movies were. By looking at the posters, one was about a shark, perhaps, and the other one looked like a generic fantasy children's film.

"I'd like to watch the shark film." She said.

"Then it's final!" Q said happily. Xuan nodded and turned on the movie.

It was never his favorite, but as long as everyone was happy, he was happy.


The night went by fast. It was 11'o'clock and they'd only watched 2 movies. Xuan knew that everyone would leave soon, so he wanted to end the night on a high note.

Q checked the time and smirked, saying, "Hey, it's almost Midnight. I know just the movie to end this night!"

"Sick, what's it called?" Xuan asked.

"Midnight, it's a super good one."

"Never heard of it," Li said with a yawn, "What's it about?"

"It's hard to explain. You just have to watch it," Q replied.

Xuan was already pulling it up. The poster thumbnail for it didn't look too bad; it was what you'd expect, a giant full moon and some stars around it, and two silhouettes in the giant moon. It looked quite romantic, to say the least.

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