Chapter 30: Never Let Go

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"Tang Xuan?"

"I'm here, Yuuhime."

"Thank goodness...are you ok?"

"I dunno. I can't really feel anything."

"Me too."

They were quiet. They couldn't move at all, something crushing them. All they knew is that the other's face was close, feeling hot breath.

"I think I can move my arm." He said, wiggling his arm then quickly stopping, groaning.

"A-are you hurt?"

"I-it's just my burns..."

"Just your-" she sighed and found his arm, caressing it.

"What're you doing?"

"I do this all the time. Doesn't this help?"

He paused. It did feel nice. It felt really, really nice.

"Yeah. Y-yeah, it does."

"Good! Perhaps I can rub your legs next."

"I don't even know where my legs are right now."

She giggled, then coughed.

"Are you ok!"

"My lungs hurt. Sorry fo..."

"Sorry? There is nothing you should be sorry for."

"There's just one thing-"

"I'm sure it's nothing."


He was quiet, waiting for her to speak again. She didn't know if she wanted to admit what she'd done with the music box. Would he hate her for it? Would he be scared of her? Would he think less of her? Would he...think she's a bad person?

"I used that music box t-to save you!"

"Oh, I know."


"It's an unmistakable feeling. The music, too."

She breathed shakily.

"D...did I hurt you?"

"No. I actually kind of enjoyed it this time around. Like, I wasn't being controlled at all."

"But I used the music box!"

"Yeah, but..."

She started to silently weep. He wiggled his hands, painfully, to her face and wiped.

"Shh, I'm not mad. What you did was brave."

"...t-thank you."

"I should be the one thanking you. You're the one who saved me, after all!"

"I mean..."

She paused for a long time, unsure how she wanted to phrase her next words.

"You've made me a better person. You've made me want to stand up for myself, to protect people who otherwise can't."

He blinked then started to laugh. Her cheeks flushed, becoming embarrassed.

"What is it? What did I say?"

"N-nothing! It's've done the same for me. I mean, I understand now that I can't do everything on my own, I have to give my trust sparingly."

"I feel like you learnt all that on your own..."

"Well, if it weren't for you, I'd never have realized those things."

The were silent for a long time. Neither knew what to say, but their presence was enough.

Pinky Promise ~ Dislyte ~ Tang Xuan x YuuhimeWhere stories live. Discover now