Chapter 7: Mistress of the Dark

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Finally, after 3 weeks, Xuan could finally leave the medical center. It felt nice to be able to walk normal and not be shrouded in fluorescent while lights, even if his arms were still gaining their strength back.

"Don't worry about rides," Li had told him, "I'll drive you home."

It was October. The chill in the air was enough to let him know, but all the All Hallow's Eve decorations screamed it at his face.

"Are you coming to the All Hallow's Eve party tonight?" Li asked as he drove Xuan home.

"Maybe," He sighed, "It's just that, I'm still recovering."

"Don't worry," His friend winked at him, "I already called up the planners and got arrangements for extra comfy seating.

Xuan smiled thankfully.

"If you are going, are you still going as the phantom?"

"I couldn't get it in time," He sighed.

"Then how about one of your onesies?"

His face flushed red, "I-I only sleep in those."

Li chuckled at his embarrassment, raising an eyebrow, "Then are you just going to go as yourself? Oh, I know, you could go as your brother, that would freak people out."

"Cut it out!" He waved his fist at Li while giggling.

Li chuckled as he pulled into a parking spot near the dorms. He insisted he help Xuan to his room, which Xuan refused to admit was kinda helpful.

"Thanks," He told Li once at his apartment, "I can take care of myself now."

"Just call me if you need anything," Li went onto his phone and turned the ringer volume all the way up, "I'll be there as soon as possible."

"I'll be fine." Xuan reassured him.

Li sighed and waved to him and left. Once inside, he went straight to his bed and fell it.

"Gah, bed, I missed you." He purred into his pillows. He let his hair fall out of his braid, and threw one of his onesies, a red panda one, on. Since he had gotten injured, Raven gave him the 3 weeks he'd already taken off in the medical wing, plus two more days off, so he had a little more time to gain his energy back.

He was about to turn on the tv when he felt his phone buzz. He peered down at it, and jumped when he saw who it was.

'Yuuhime <3: Are you going to the All Hallow's Eve party? I was invited to go by a friend, but it would make my night if you were there too.'

He felt his cheeks redden. Now he felt obligated to go. But his rest time...

"Mmmmmm...." He groaned. He didn't want to disappoint Yuuhime. He checked them time; only two hours until the party. He grumbled a little.

'I'll be there! ( ^ω^)'


Li walked to Xuan's room. About 2 hours ago, he messaged him that he would be going to the party, which excited Li greatly. He'd been planning what they were going to do at the All Hallow's Eve party for months now, and he was planning on giving him and his other friends a night they'd never forget!

He knocked on Xuan's door. "Xuan, you ready?"

"Ah...!" He slowly opened the door. He wore a red panda onesie, it's hood over his head, "Mhm, yeah, I'm ready."

Li smiled and nodded, "I'm driving Suhua and Leora too, if that's fine by you."

"You know it. By the way, what are you going as?"

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