Chapter 4: Amusement Park

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Xuan placed the present into his car as he drove to the place Yuuhime requested he meet her. He hummed along to the music, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

He was so excited to get to know Yuuhime better. He didn't know much about her personal life, which was fine, but he'd really like to see what she liked and disliked.

He spotted her sitting on a bench by a rest stop. He skidded to a stop and rolled down his window.


"Of course." She got up with a smile on her face. She held a small and pink hand bag.

"What's the address?" He asked as he started the car up again.

She told him it.

"Also, that bag is a gift for you." He said with a big smile.

"For me?" Her cheeks flushed red.

"Of course, open it!"

She did, peering inside and smiling, "A bear shirt?"

"Not just any 'bear shirt,'" Pointing, he showed her the text written on it.

"It's for the park!" She smiled even more.

"Glad you like it," He said, "I'm wearing one too, so we can match."

His cheeks flushed a little as he said this. He didn't normally like to match clothes with anybody; it simply had bad memories attached to it, bad memories that haunted him...

But he wasn't here to think about that. He was here to grow! Grow as Yuuhime's friend, that is.

"I'll put it on as soon as we get there." She announced. And soon they got to the amusement park, loud and crowded, just like the two of them expected.

"I'll be waiting in line over here," Xuan checked the prices, "You can go put your shirt on."

She left for the nearby bathrooms.

As he waited, he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander to what Yuuhime would like.

She didn't seem like the type to be interested in roller coasters. She'd probably like the slower rides.

But then again, he was jumping to conclusions. Maybe she really loved roller coasters.

Or maybe she liked playing the carnival games, or the arcade...

"How do I look?" Yuuhime approached him. The baby yellow shirt and her red skirt clashed wonderfully, and her sea green eyes brought the look together masterfully.

"V-very good," He stammered. She smiled, her sweet features noticeably missing makeup.

"That's so nice of you to say," She murmured. He smiled awkwardly.

Once he'd payed for their tickets (man, why did they have to be so expensive?), he looked at her, "Got two questions for you. First one, do you want sunscreen?"

"No, thank you. I've already put some on."

"Ok, second one, what do you wanna do first!"

She peered at the map in front of them. The ride she wanted was noticeably far away.

"Let's go to this one first." She said, pointing to a nearby spinning rocket ride.

"That sounds great!" He clapped his hands and they set off.


After about two hours, Yuuhime stopped in front of a particular attraction. It stood tall and large, dark and cold; The Haunted House.

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