Chapter 25: Like You, Like Him

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Raven had worried about letting Yuuhime do work in the Union HQ at first. Not only did she worry that she still might still be an enemy, but that she might distract Tang Xuan.

Fortunately, the complete opposite happened. Not only did Xuan's workflow became better, almost everyone else's improved as well in just the day she had been there.

She shared a lot of interesting and legit information, as well.

"You have to focus all your energy to one part of your body," She had explained to Raven, "like in your finger or something. Then, you just gotta aim and let it all out-"

And then she zapped a can right off its feet! The silvery metal sizzled from the heat, it making a mess. But this was enough to get Raven interested and impressed.

Raven herself decided to try it out, and managed to make many little holes in a training dummy. She requested for Espers with healing powers to try it out, hoping to have finally found the cure to Divine Weakening.

When Sally tried it, she found that it only quickened the healing of a tiny area, and it didn't even work for the burns from Yamato's attacks.

"It was a good thought." Sally had told Raven, who was disappointed.

"Keep working," Raven said, "we must find a cure."

Xuan felt his arms. The burns speckled his skin in a way that made him feel horribly embarrassed. Not only did these burns refuse to heal, they got worse while he was being controlled by Yamato. It wasn't a mystery why; Yamato had made him do grueling work sometimes, and more often than not he couldn't even remember what he did.

"Knock-knock." He heard Raven say, opening the door to his office.

"Come on in!" He said, smiling.

"So, you've been back for a day now," she sat down by his desk, "and I want to talk. And no secrets this time."

"Yeah," He rubbed the back of his head, "secrecy is what got me into this mess...but Yamato threatened me, he threatened you!"

"I heard. Heng Yue got ahold of that letter. I understand how you felt, but we're all capable adults here. You should have told at least me."

Xuan nodded, looking down. "Maybe. But Yamato is really strong, a force to be reckoned with."

"Li Ling and Tang Yun surely took care of him easily."

"That was the exception."

"We have lots of Espers to fight against him. You need to stop worrying."

Xuan sighed deeply, leaning back on his chair.

"How are your burns treating you?" Raven gestured to his exposed arms.

"I wish I could say fine, but they're killing me."

"We're working on an antidote, just hang tight."

He nodded, sighing. "I know you wanna ask about Yamato, so spill."

"You read my mind," She chuckled, "first off, what did he make you do? Anything particular?"

"Remember the Golden Theater burning down?"

"He made you do that?!"

"No! No! He did that himself, I just beat up...someone?"

Raven sighed deeply. "You can't remember who you hurt?"

"No. I don't know why. It's something to do with the music box."

"Do you know if you did anything else without remembering?"

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