Chapter 18: Crumble Cookies

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Today was a very snowy day. It got so snowy, that instead of doing actual Union things, the ops chiefs had to go out and help clear the roads.

"Please, everyone head this way!" Lucas yelled, pointing pedestrians and vehicles to a snowless road. David helped him by holding lights to show the way.

Xuan was pretty sure foul things were yelled at them a couple of times, but he just ignored them.

"Tang Xuan." He looked up and saw Suhua walking towards him.

"Yeah?" He stopped and looked at her.

"Come on inside, I need to give you a check up."


They walked into the medical wing. He saw Mona sitting in a chair, along with the other patient, Ethan.

"Come on into the back, you three." Suhua said. They followed her into the room that the medical wing made just for their condition.

"Where's Dr. Heng?" Ethan asked.

"She had important businesses to attend to," Suhua explained, "So me, Sally, and Ahmed will be the only ones here."

"Ah." Ethan nodded.

"Let me see your burns now."

As the others revealed their burns, Xuan said, "Lemmie go change real fast."

"Of course! Just be quick." Suhua said.

He quickly went into a private room, pulling out the shorts he brought. He was glad to change, the medical wing was very warm that day.

He heard a sound. Shooting his head up, he slowly looked around. Nothing out of the ordinary. He shrugged, thinking it probably came from outside, finished changing, and left.

As the door shut, Yun peeked out from his hiding place. The last thing he expected was to see Xuan changing into shorts on a day like this.

He had been sent to investigate "Divine Weakening" after Hyde had gotten wind of it. He felt prideful at the time, being seen as the most sneaky to spy, but now he felt more annoyed. Trying to find anything out was tedious. Most doors were locked, and the ones he managed to sneak into had minimal findings that were locked inside cabinets that were a pain in the ass to get open.

One thing he did know was that the burns didn't change. Seeing Xuan just now made him realize that.

Noting the finding, he quickly got up and opened the window. There would be lots of people in today, he was sure of it, so leaving now would be his best bet. He got what he came for, after all; a computer file with the Esper Union's research.


"Any new symptoms?" Sally asked, tapping a pen to a clipboard. Ahmed knelt by the three espers, examining their burns.

"Don't think so," Mona replied, "just feeling kinda tired."

"Same," Ethan said, "I can walk around, but I still feel so freaking tired."

Sally looked at Xuan. He only shrugged. "I've felt fine, for the most part."

Sally wrote all their answers down. She smiles and said, "That's all for today. Oh, one more thing!"

She quickly took pictures of their burns. Documenting what the strange lighting-like burns looked like after every week was very important, according to Suhua.

"You're free to go now."

They thanked the doctors and they all went on their way.

Xuan felt a little hungry. All morning was dedicated to clearing the roads, and all he had to eat was a protein bar.

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