Chapter 17: The Arcade Warrior

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"Now, what if-and you're gonna have to hear me out on this one-you stop asking me about this vampire reporter." Xuan hissed at Yue. "I don't know anyone with that description."

Of course, that was a lie. Yamato fit the description Yue gave to a T, but the last thing he wanted another thing Yamato could hang over his head.

Clearly, Yue saw through his lie. Her eyes shimmered with annoyance and her nails dug into her notepad.

"Tang Xuan, I need you for a minute." Raven poked her head in, "There's some damage reports we need to talk about."

Xuan grumbled but ultimately got up, "Last time I'll say this, I don't know any Esper who looks like that."

Yue rolled her eyes as he left, but her lips were in a smile.

She never said the culprit was an Esper. She could have implied it, but she never said so. In fact, she didn't even know if the culprit was an Esper at all. Why he would assume it was an Esper gave her more reason to go to his desk and search around.

She'd noticed that he always had a specific paper in his hands whenever she or someone else came in. This paper would always slid under whatever was nearby, and Xuan himself would act like he never held such paper.

Today, he slid it under his computer. She snapped a picture of the front and back, and slid it back into place before Xuan could return.

She slipped out of his office and said, "Good day, Xuan. Raven."

Raven gave her a nod and continued talking to Xuan.

Yue was certain that whatever was on the paper would help her get Xuan to talk.

So far, she'd asked him four times about the mysterious reporter. The first time, he was definitely startled by the description—as if he knew some like that—but refused to explain why and quickly left.

The second time, he said he might know someone like that. The final two times, he downright told Yue to leave and that he knew no one of the sort, in a panicked and confused manner.

He was hiding something. Not very well, but he knew the culprit.


Xuan looked at the time and huffed. "I-I'm sorry, Raven, I've gotta go."

"Alright," Raven's sighed, "but remember to not create a mess in the commons room again.

"I understand!" He called as he sprinted off.

Today was the day he and Yuuhime decided to go to the Arcade. He was quite excited, in all honesty, because he hadn't been to the arcade in months!

He was so excited to get going that he didn't notice Yun Chuan, running right into him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He sprang up and helped Chuan up, who simply laughed.

"Don't be so worried, I'm fine." Chuan replied.

"Ahahaha..." Xuan's face showed embarrassment as he went to go, more carefully.

"Hey, where are you off to?"

"Arcade with a friend."

"I see," Chuan stroked his goatee, "I think Arcana and Mona went there, too."

"Cool, see ya!" Xuan said as he left once again.

Chuan could never understand the young ops chief...


Yuuhime tapped her feet as she awaited Xuan. To say she was excited was an understatement. She was bursting with excitement and joy, not being able to keep a straight face.

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