Chapter 5: Disaster Brother

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Yamato stared out the window that morning. The night before had enlightened him to the fullest, and now was the time to start putting his plans into action.

He felt Yuuhime wake up and start her morning routine. The tap, tap of her feet was unmistakably her's. She was always a quiet walker, but also had a certain stomping vibrations that came with her favorite pair of shoes. Yamato enjoyed "listening" to her walking, naming the motions she would do: Brush hair, lotion face, change into day clothes, walk out.

She did more walking today, though. He stopped thinking about what she was doing and started thinking about what he was going to do.

"Yuuhime shall stay home today," He murmured, "I'm going out."

"What?" He turned and smiled.

"You're staying home today. Is that ok? Do you have anything going on? Any tv clubs or..."

"N-no.." She whispered and turned back into her room.

He smiled even more and walked down the hallway.

Having someone associated with the Esper Union in his grasp would do wonders for the Midnight Order. Tang Xuan just so happened to stumble onto his chess board, basically waiting to be carved into a piece for him to use.

Besides, his sister liked him very much. She was clearly overjoyed yesterday.

That pleased Yamato greatly.

The only thing that was bugging him was how he was supposed to lure Tang Xuan close enough to capture. The boy was smart, and he didn't think going to him would work.

The Union was heavily guarded, and he was sure that there were many people there waiting to fight to protect each other.

'Especially that Li Ling...' He walked out into the cool embrace of the morning, pulling a hood over his head.

His sources had confirmed that during Sands of Guilt, Li Ling had gone out and accused Tang Yun of kidnapping the older twin. His sources also said it got violent. Dealing with him would be a headache in itself after he had Tang Xuan, but if he had to deal with him before? Nightmare, it would be a nightmare inside a nightmare.

For now, he simply had to gather more information, and he knew the perfect place to do so.

"The breeze is nice today, don't you think?" An older woman sat on a bench. She had a tiny dog who barked at Yamato like a crazed maniac.

"Yes, it really is," He bit his cheek so he wouldn't kick the dog.

"This is Momo," The woman said happily, "She's quite the thing, isn't she?"

"Yep," Why was this random lady talking to him?

"Where are you off to?" She asked.

"Oh, just out for a walk." Shiz, this lady was nosy.

"I wish I could go out for walks more often, but my knees are weakening."

"Hm." He stoped paying attention to her and walked off.

What even was that about?

It didn't matter, that old hag probably couldn't remember him now.

He was now at a park. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he started walking around. He hoped he could find a peace keeper around, but any person who watched the news would do; in fact, they'd probably be better, as he had some questions that might arise suspicion in peace keepers.

This person would have to be alone, as for no one else to overhear them. A peace keeper with that description would be difficult to find, too, so like he decided before, any one person would have to do.

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