Chapter 3: Girl Talk

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Yuuhime walked into Li Guang's house.

"Welcome!" The cheery girl cried. Yuuhime nodded with a smile and sat down next to Intisar.

"Can I play with your hair while we watch the new episodes?" Li Guang asked.

"Mhm." Yuuhime said absently.

As they watched, they made some small talk.

"I tried to invite a new member," Li Guang rambled, "But she was a little shy."

"What's her name?" Intisar asked.

"Ife, she's from the Union."

"Wouldn't she be too busy to come?"

"Maybe," Li Guang looked like she was pondering that question, "But I saw her watching the Sunflower Warrior on a tablet so I assumed I would be able to convince her, but when I got close, she ran away!"

Throughout all this, Yuuhime was deep in thought. She usually liked to talk to her new friends, but today she had an important mission.

Last week, during their normal hang-out, she'd noticed that the protagonist had to juggle heroics with a date to an amusement park.

A new amusement park had opened in Utgard, and she'd been dying to go since there was a Sunflower Warrior ride there.

She didn't want to go alone, though. She planned on asking Li Guang and Intisar if they wanted to go with her. She wasn't so sure if Intisar would want to go, but she was sure Guang would be more than happy to!

After they'd watched all the episodes, Yuuhime cleared her throat.

"There's a new amusement park in Utgard," She started.

"The one with the Sunflower Warrior ride?" Intisar said, "I've heard of it."

"Ooh! Do you want us to come with you?" Li Guang asked with a quiver of excitement in her voice.

"Yes, if you want to."

"Would I!" She hopped up, and at the same instant her phone buzzed. Checking it, she sighed, "Oh, I'm so sorry Yuuhime!"

"What?" She sat up too.

"I actually won't be able to go with you, it looks like the Union needs my help."

"It's ok," She smiled, "if they need you, it's probably more important than an amusement park."

"Yeah, you're right!"

Yuuhime looked at Intisar with hope in her eyes, but she simply shook her head.

"Sorry, but I've been busy with work lately. I was lucky Trevor even let me off to come."

'Also because you hate being away from your computers,' Yuuhime thought to herself.

"It's ok, work is important." She replied.

"It looks like I still have a little more time before I gotta go," Li Guang said, "About two hours."

"I don't!" Intisar said, sitting up, "See ya, dorks."

Yuuhime sighed as she left.

"Are you ok?" Li Guang looked at her, "We can always go together some other time."

"No, it's not that," She admitted, "I've already asked almost everybody I know if they could go, and they've all said no."

"Almost everybody?"

Yuuhime looked down in embarrassment, "There's just this one guy I haven't..."

"Oooooh!" Li Guang couldn't help but squeal, "It's him, right? Your crush!"

"He's not my crush, and you don't even know his name."

"Sure. Why don't you ask him?" She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"He's a very busy person. He probably wouldn't be able to come either."

Li Guang stood up, hands on her hips, and looked down at Yuuhime, "You're never gonna know if you don't try it, at least."

She was right. But Yuuhime couldn't just ask Xuan. He was very busy, and...and he was just a friend!

"Listen up!" Li Guang suddenly shouted, "Just because you don't think it will work, doesn't mean it won't. There's never any harm in checking in, because who knows, he might have some free time!"

Yuuhime blinked. 

"And," She put her arm around her, "If you go before me, then you can show me all the good rides and avoid all the dinky rides."

"I don't think I can decide which ones are 'bad' for you."

"Anything that's not high speed and adrenaline filled, duh."

"Alright, alright, fine," She huffed. She pulled out her phone and Li Guang peered over her shoulder.

"Nope," She pushed her head away.

"Aww, come on. You've gotta tell me sometime!" Li Guang said, pouting, "Now it's all I'm gonna think about."

"I know for a fact it won't be." Yuuhime murmured.

'Do you want to come with me to this new amusement park? [link]'

"I should get going," She got up, "I don't want to keep you from getting ready."

"Ok, but first! We need a nickname for your crush."

"He's not...whatever." She sighed and thought deeply for a moment. Xuan was bubbly, happy...bright...



"Sunflower. Happy?"

"Yep!" Li Guang sang, "Get home safely!!"

She waved and walked out.

Her phone buzzed;

'I'd love to! Luckily for you, I was able to get a day off. See you then!'


A/N: Sorry that this chapter was a little shorter, but I just needed to get this chapter out so I can write the next chapter (which I'm super excited to write eee!)

Thanks for reading this far!!

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