Chapter 21: Friendship

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Yuuhime stepped out onto the brisk cold air of the afternoon and breathed in. Li Guang was picking her up, since Yamato was going to drag Xuan to the Golden Theater after she left.

She walked down the long dirt road, her duffel and grocery bags bumping her sides. She couldn't help but worry about Xuan, but she quickly reassured herself by reminding herself Yamato wouldn't hurt him now that he was under the music box's spell. Whether that was a good thing or not was something that she wouldn't be thinking about tonight.

Eventually, she saw Li Guang waiting for her.

"There you are!" She said, "Come on, let's go!"

Yuuhime stepped into Li Guang's car. It was very dirty, with backpacks, maps, and exploring equipment scattered around the back.

"Sorry about the mess, I tried to make it manageable for you." Li Guang said.

"It's fine," Yuuhime said, "and thanks."

"So, what treats did you bring?"

"Cookies, ice cream, wafers."

"Yum! I can't wait to try them."


"I've got everything planned out. First, we'll eat dinner and our snacks, then we'll play board games, then we'll do our hair and nails, then we'll watch a movie!"

"Sounds super fun. I can't wait."

"Yeah. I had no idea your house was so close to mine! But, why couldn't I just come pick you up?"

"My brother has a divinely powered fence up, it's to keep miramon out but it might also hurt you."

"Oh! Well, I guess that makes sense. Don't wanna get shocked!"

"Yeah, it's not fun. I got shocked by it once, my finger was red for days." That was only half true. Yamato was the one who shocked her, when he got mad at her for something she couldn't exactly remember. Of course, he didn't mean to, and it didn't last.

"It must of stood out! Since your hand is, you know."

"Well, it's gone now."

"Yep! Burns heal over time, every time!"

Yuuhime thought of Xuan and his burns. Even if he claimed he was ok, those burns still refused to heal. Would they even heal?

"Here we are!" Li Guang announced as she pulled into her driveway. Yuuhime smiled at the modest house. It was small, but perfect for Li Guang.

"Do you need any help carrying anything?" Li Guang asked.

"No, I'm ok." She replied.

"Then at least let me be a gentlewoman and hold the door for you." The red head swooped the door open for Yuuhime, who responded with a bright smile.

Yuuhime put her treats on the table, along with the treats Li Guang had already gotten.

"You can choose where to sleep!" Li Guang said excitedly. "You can even sleep in my room, just not my bed."

She chose a spot in the living room, on Li Guang's couch.

"Would you like to see my pajamas?" Yuuhime asked.


So she pulled out her marigold pajamas. Li Guang gasped and ran to her room, returning with the same pair but in her size.

"Omg!" Yuuhime squealed.

"I know!" Li Guang squealed back. "Let's put them on! We'll match!"

And they did. Staring at each other in a mirror, they couldn't help but giggle.

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