Chapter 16: Midnight Rambles

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It had been a week since the Day of Thanks. Ling, Lewis, Xuan, and Yuuhime were sitting on the roof of the Esper Union HQ, watching the sun set.

"You can see lots from up here!" Yuuhime commented.

"Mhm," Xuan said, "We all love to come up here. Some more than others."

He gave a smug glance at Ling and Lewis, knowing they'd probably been up here holding hands many a times.

"Has Xuan ever told you about the time he jumped off the side of the building with Drew?" Ling asked.

"Why would you do that, Xuan?" Yuuhime asked Xuan, "It sounds dangerous."

"E-eh?! No, no! I was fine, I swear! So was Drew, Ahem."

Yuuhime giggled lightly. She loved to tease him, to see his hands come up to defend his case.

It became silent, but that was ok. The sunset rapidly grew to darkness, stars peeping out to form a beautiful glow. The beauty of it all left them quiet, all too mesmerized to say anything.

Finally, after a while, Lewis yawned. "'Bout time for me to head home, got a lotta work tomorrow."

"I'll walk with you." Ling quickly said, smiling at Lewis. The other nodded, standing up.

"See you later." Lewis gave a short wave and walked off.

"Bye!" Ling waved as sprinted to catch up with Lewis.

Xuan waved back, "See you guys tomorrow!"

He slumped back into his position, looking at Yuuhime. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Not much," She replied, "I watched the new episode of The Sunflower Warrior just yesterday, but that's about it."

"Sounds fun," He said, "what's it about?"

"It's a mecha show," She explained, "It came out around when I was little, but it got a reboot just recently."

"Interesting!" He couldn't really say it sounded interesting to him, but the way Yuuhime sounded excited whenever she talked about it would make him gladly watch it.

"How are your burns? Last time I saw you, they were...not great."

"Ye Suhua says I've gotta be more careful." He said. "They hinder me when I'm under stress, but it's no biggie."

She slowly blinked, then puffed. "'No biggie'? It sounds serious, you're in one of them most stressful professions."

Xuan waved a hand, "I'll be totally fine, I swear."

"How about when I had to save your behind from those miramon?"

"That was different! Stumbling upon a never before discovered miracle under the ground, then getting ambushed by five massive miramon? I think that's an exception."

"Yeah, but won't the researcher people wanna go in? So they'll need protection?"

"Yeah, but what's the chances it's gonna be me?"

She pursed her lips, "I might just apply to join the Union just to make sure you stop getting into trouble."

"Oh yeah?"

"Don't make that face at me."

He laughed so hard she made him lay down so he "wouldn't hurt himself again." Eventually, he got her to lay down with him.

Now, they both stared up at the stars. Their fingers had snuck into each others hands, Xuan lightly squeezing Yuuhime's hand.

"Man, your hair is soft." He commented, fingering her silky black hair.

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